When did the Last Days start in the first century

by wizzstick 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • *lost*

    Eden one

    thank you for your well written pieces. Very interesting.

    I had never even known about the burst guts thing.

  • mP


    Eden one

    thank you for your well written pieces. Very interesting.

    I had never even known about the burst guts thing.


    Xians never tel lyou about these details because they know they are troublesome. Why hide the truth ?

  • mP


    Naturally, that the Gospels were written in a time where the gentiles had already been admitted to the Christian church and probably outnumbered already the Christians of Jewish origin.


    What proof have you got for any of this ? The only evidence im aware of is xian tradition. The historical record is very different and hardly overwhelming for the large numbers xians lcim.


    Besides, the Jews that got scattered throughout the empire used the greek language. For practical reasons, the gospels were produced in greek, given the target audience.


    Perhaps they used greek in their professional lives, but even today judaism is not practiced in Greek but Hebrew. Greek has never replaced Hebrew in their worship. You are completely wrong on this, unless you can show me some historical proof.


    Although Matthew seems to have been produced with a Jewish audience with ties to the homeland in mind.

    So what, that doesnt make it true.


    As for the death of Judas, no one was factual eyewitness to the event. So, based on accounts given by the people who found his corpse, there are two possible explanations to his death. The plausible truth of the matter might be a combination of both. Matthew went with one explanation, Luke went with another.


    It cant be a combination of both as i explained previously. If J hanged himself he was dead before he fell from the tree over the cliff and exploded. He couldnt die from both. Surely a doctor like Luke would know Judas was dead just from the hanging.


    As far as multiple names: Professionally, I'm known by my family name from my father's side; Among my family and friends, I'm known by my first name. Among former school mates, I'm known by one nickname I had in school. Some family members still call me after the nickname I had as a young child. All are on record in written form.


    Your comparison is completely unfair. In our society we generally use our family name in business and first name between family and friends. In the gospels we have individuals named with two compeltely different names. The mistakes are completely wrong, first and last names. If someone uses your first name and others your last, neither is wrong its just that you have multiple names for lack of a better word. Nobody calls you by a different last name or a different first name.

    These apostles have multiple first and last names. They are different people. i have yet to see an autobiography of someone famous that uses two completely different names for them. JFK is always JFK.


    As far as Luke the 'historian', I was merely given a contrast with Edward Gibbon. You can't expect the level of accuracy and scholarship from Luke as you would expect from a modern historian. It's a much fairer comparison if you compare his chronicles with the ones of other more or less contemporary historians like Herodotus or Tucydides, who made mistakes, but still are considered credible.


    I cant tell if you just admitting the truth meant different things back then so it was ok for Luke to invent stuff. If he lied, he knew he was lying. If we know he made mistakes then be honest about it and realise the consquences of scuh an admission.


    Note: The Watchtower calls Luke an 'historian'. That's not an accurate term for him.


    I dont think the label matters, lets just look at the written text itself. It doesnt matter what label is assigned to him, the text has mistakes that are incompatible with the other gospels. We can call Luke a brain surgeon if you want, that doesnt mean he could do brain surgery.

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