I have been on this site lurking for over 2 years and this is my first post, I feel so bottled with emotion that I have to let it out somehow so I do not have an emotional breakdown! I was raised in the organization and am married with 2 children ages 4 and 2. My wife and I have been inactive for about 2 years and I have ALWAYS had hard questions that were never answered growing up, such as blood policy and how David and his men were allowed to eat from the bread reserved for the high priests without death penalty since it was life or death. Carbon dating on human remains/tools that date back 30-40k years, far surpassing the 6k year man creation date, the double standards and very real "human" aspect on the organization and its decisions and history. I don't know so many other things. The biggest concern for me is that I have two small children and I am at the point where its make or break with teaching them this religion, on one hand I still do not celebrate holidays so they would miss out on that, and the other hand I am not bringing them to meetings because deep down inside I KNOW that it is very cultlike and brainwashing. I just don't know what to do and need support and have noone to talk to about it. Thanks for reading