Secret lists, swept under the rug, elders kids are safer than others kid's, two witness rule, seems fair to me. LOL I would like a definition of what inaproprate touching is and who decides?
Protecting pedophiles while protecting children
by stillin 155 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
at the end of the day always call the police. this should not even be a question. calling the society is just to protect the orgs name.
Truth seeker 674
Stillin I don't think it is a good idea for your mental health to come on this forum and defend watchtower and their steller treatment of pedifiles.
Like I said, correct me if I'm wrong. But you're right about my thinking such thoughts openly among this particular group of people.
PI was unaware that calling the society is the very first thing that a BOEs should do if something really bad had happened. That's a no-brainier. Is that what the most recent letter said?
if we all agree, why do we need a discussion forum?
Stillin, if you do a search on BOE Pedophile, you can read up all about it. You can even read the April 2012 letter, sent out after the Conti trial. The "brothers" have a very low opinion of the victim. They tend to protect the perpetrator. Children don't feature prominently in Watchtower Theology. They are viewed as a burden. You can't pioneer, go to Bethel, and have kids.
OK. Long letter but I read it. I've read it before. I guess you see it differently than I do.
what would be REALLY reprehensible would be for an organization to ignore the problem, or to jump to conclusions regarding guilt or innocence. But I don't see that. The two-witness thing tangles things up, but even in a legal court of law there needs to be "established" guilt.
candace Conti wasn't SOL, was she? Yet she is an exception. If the lawyers have their way, anybody or any organization with two nickels to rub together is screwed.
Truth seeker 674
Stillin I don't know how anyone can stay in the org. The way they treat children, they way they treat women. I would rather have someone pull all my fingernails out than sit through another meeting. Put perhaps I am just mentally diseased.
With attitudes like STILLIN no wonder pedophilia will continue to flourish in this HIGH CONTROL CULT.
That's my point! I don't think it is the pedo-friendly place that it was when you were in.
Pit still suck in a lot of ways but I'm just giving a little credit where credit is due.
yes, I think that a lot of the measures they have taken are self-serving, of course! If Holy Spirit was involved they wouldn't have to.
Truth seeker 674
I think where the credit is due is to lawyers who sue cults like this one. The org will and always will be Pedo friendly. Watctower can't help it.