well how exactly did child abuse open your eyes to the Watchtower ? Was it just reading about how it is handled and finding out information , or was someone at your KH maybe abused and you had first hand knowledge of what happened . I wondered if your eye opening was purely from taking in kowledge from sources like this site or from more personal experience . I don't mean you but maybe as I said someone you knew .
Protecting pedophiles while protecting children
by stillin 155 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
*lost*, it is singularly difficult to have a discussion with you. I don't see the questioning of your position to be either hostile or personal. It's challenging , sure, but that's what happens during a discussion. I crave dialogue and a meeting of minds. It's hard to find.
jgnat - I often find in life, some people do not like it when they are presented with 'difficult' questions that do not align with their stance on any given subject.
I have also found that, with certain types of people, they also do not like it when others do not wholeheartedly agree with their perspectives.
cherry picking and copying some of my comments out of context of the original conversation on my personal views of a topic, whereby all of the actual facts are not presented, which therefore in itself makes the basis for the discussion disingenious, speaks volumes for me.
Of course there are many, many variants of child abuse and abusers and settings and situations surrounding such abuses. which is why I unequivocably state that in my opinion, adult child abusers, the definition of a paedophile, who lust after, and inflict torture and sexual abuse, anally or vaginally, on children, should be put to death, or the other alternative is to ship them off to a an isolated island and let them form their own society amongst themselves. Thereby eliminating any chance of re-offending and repeating their 'crime', thus protecting children. Mrya Hindley and Brady, Fred and Rose West, Jimmy Saville etc.. the list is endless, and so is the list of 'victims' whose lives are totally destroyed and they carry a life sentence themseslves for the horrors inflicted on them. The primary focus should be on the 'child' no-one else. The child is the victime, the child suffers, adults are supposed to protect chilren from any and all harm as best they can.
Forgiveness ? By whose standards ? Religions ? which religion is the 'true' religion ? Yet these same 'religions' don't practice what they preach. (as organisations and as individuals). Probably now someone will take the mentality that I am a God/Jesus/bible hating atheist, because my opinion conflicts with their opinion. As people like to make assumptions.
Jesus said keep the commandments, but I guess the commandments can easily be ignored by many professed christians, as we regularly see in society, time and time again. For examle, abusive priests, that beat children to death, repeatedly rape children, get re-located from area to area where they repeat the process. Thankfully the truth is now out in the open, about the amount of 'cover-ups' and 'compliance'. But, the trail of devastaion left in the wake of abuse, involves 'victims' whose lives are never the same. Never have I ever once in general society heard a conflicting discussion whereby paedophiles should recieve protection or treatment. I guess it depends on what types of people you are involved with in society.
I don't care a jot for any paedophile (adult abuser of innocent children), I care more for the vicitms and the devastation it inflicts on them. I hope this makes it clear, and explains it adequately.
But, lost, you don't present difficult questions. You make declarations.
Jgnat: I expected lots of strong opinions when I opened this thread. And I got them! It's interesting how even the very interpretation of "pedophile" is so varied in the responses.
In my part of the world, the government has tried to give hard lines to abide by: the age, the act, the severity. I really appreciate the documents that have been brought up here, both by the WTS and by various national governments.
"Lost" has offered her ideas, in her own way, and will likely one day be grateful that this is an anonymous forum...as will I.
jgnat - well, yes, my opinion is a statement, of my opinion.
It sounds like there is some things we all seem to agree on: children are innocent victims and need protected. People who sexually abuse children are a danger to children. Child molestation is a crime not just a sin. ..... are there more things we agree on that I missed?
It would be great if we could channel all this passion and work together.
Lost: I understand what you are saying. It sometimes seem s that child abusers is get more consideration than the victims.
All my abuser had to do is cry a little and bIame the devil. I never got a sense of justice. We were told to feel compassion for him.
I feel that it us important that the victims understand that what happened to them was a crime. Can we agree on that?
P.s. to everyone else: my personal opinion? Lost is too generous. ...death is too easy...how about a little surgery instead?
jgnat , did you send me a pm 6 months ago ? I only just found pm's and there appears to be one from you , about the olive branch , but when I try to open it a technical error occurs .
Sorry that I am so late replying I was new to the site then and did not now it's workings . Also irondork sent me a pm , I have replied , belatedly, to that but he seems to have disappeared off the site . Do you know what happened to him ?
jgnat , after posting above I found your life story on the post started 10 years ago . I could not believe what I was reading , not cus I don't have faith , you might be aware that I am non JW , Anglican , but because of some of the elements of your story .
My name is Janet , I am unequally yoked ( to an unbeliever ) and have had heartache caused by my son . Though I can probably out do you in the making people cry stakes . MY son died ten years ago on the morning of 25th December !!! His death was caused by oesophageal cancer . Yes, young people do very RARELY get it . Usually though sufferers are over 45 and that is why it was not diagnosed quickly . It probably wouldn't have made much difference in any case .
I have struggled for years to see any sense in the death of a 25 year old man and why God let it happen , I do believe in healing and was sure that my son would get better . Over the years I have sometimes waivered in my faith , I had breast cancer which was very traumatic , but I can only say that somehow I , like you, have been held up and carried when need be .
I have always felt it on my heart to witness to Witnesses and finding this site has been a blessing . I think that the Lord is introducing me to some VERY interesting people and giving me a lot of knowledge .
jhine, my condolences in the loss of your son. I'll send you another PM. Getting an error message the first time you open a PM is a glitch in this forum software. Push F5 and re-open and you should be able to read it. I'd rather respond to you there as you share many personal details that have little to do with this thread.