Brother Carlin said it best...
Mays JW TV Broadcast/Your feedback is appreciated
by ToesUp 55 Replies latest jw friends
“Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!
A temporary increase in donations can offset the expenses of court settlements/judgements. That way it doesn't make a dent in their day-to-day operations. -
I keep asking myself are they really in financial trouble (wishful thinking) or are they just grabbing for more money?..........ToesUp
.........................We`re So Poor..
..We Had To Built This Luxurious TV Studio...............I`m a WBT$ Bum..................Send..
....................WITH YOUR MONEY!!.............................A Well Dressed Bum!....... More Money!..
They have a huge amount of capital, but their expenses are greater than their income. Left as things were, the capital would gradually be eroded and they would go bust - eventually (I reckon it would be decades hence). Instead, they are restructuring, reducing expenditure, and pressuring congregations to contribute more in every way they can think of. End result of that should be slightly reduced capital, but with income at least matching and maybe exceeding expenditure. They can then start building up the capital again. I think it is likely sustainable for quite a while yet. I really really hope I'm wrong though. -
Another cause for conern in their part (im imagining) is that while real estate is profitable it is long term. They wont see any ROI on their new ventures for sometime. In the meantime they need to operate and continue to build. That requires capital -
I wouldn't be surprised that this recent cry for money is being instated by the new branch being built in the UK.
They most likely want it as plush and elaborate as the Wallkill HQ in New York I'm sure.
Maybe with its own video studio as well.
JW GoneBad
This is an hour and one half solicitation for money. You don't spend 1 1/2 hours talking about and asking for money unless there is a problem in Paradise with money. Let's face it, 'Mother' has become one overweight fat-ass-bitch that is now high maintenance.
My reply to the WTBTS....GO TO HELL!!!
never a jw
Financial problems, with a capital of billions and no debt. Are you kidding me? They are just not growing the money as fast as their greedy financial officers want. -
I have two comments related to the rant for money.
This is a blatant grab for money - no different than at the assemblies where they say there is a $xx,xxx loss when in fact they play a game to give the illusion of a loss to extract that last dollar out of the publishers.
This may also represent the realization that the r&f are no longer willing to give. They may have seen a surprising drop off of donations.
But make no mistake - they are not running out of money. So, don't get your hopes up.
Driving Force
They wont see any ROI on their new ventures for sometime.I beg to differ there. Considering the labor is free, they could sell a complex immediately after completion, they would have to make some pretty good excuse to do so, but they could.
Another aspect (I am not really sure on this one), if a building complex cost the bOrg $150 000 000,00. After completion that book value is considerably more, any estimation on the value of a building takes into consideration the cost in the real world where labor has to be paid for. Having lets they say $250 000 000,00 on the books instead of the costs of just $150 000 000,00 would allow them theoretically to gain a load from a bank for other investments or to cover any short-term cash flow problem.