Mays JW TV Broadcast/Your feedback is appreciated

by ToesUp 55 Replies latest jw friends


    ............................Image result for watchtower logo brown

    .................................................MONEY PIGS..

  • a watcher
    a watcher
    Sorry, but there's no way I'm going to send them money to build those butt-ugly new KH's. I'm keeping my money local.
  • LHS123

    I know a lot less than most of you but it appears to me that there is a foreseen cash-flow problem they're trying to preempt.

    I'm a recent doubter and whatever the issue is, what they fail to realize is how much of a turn-off this kind of appeal is for many. One of the things that I liked when I came into the truth was we didn't get asked for money, we didn't know who wrote any publications, I didn't even know any of the names of the GB for the last 20 years, the info was available but only really If you went looking for it, I thought the org. stood out as different from Christendom. Now i know all of their names, they're in our faces, making themselves more and more prominent AND asking for money, Yuk! There must be many more like me who feel less inclined to donate than ever before.



    ........Image result for JW.Org Brodcasting.........Image result for commercial Break


    .............We Make So Much Money....................Losing Control of Bodily Functions?!

    ............Sometimes I Shit My Pants!..............................USE WBT$ APPROVED..

    .........Image result for JW.Org Brodcasting..............Image result for Depends for men

  • prologos
    a watcher: I'm keeping my money local. Very very local: in your valet, in your debit account on your card, off your cheque book. wt has done enough damage,
  • Finkelstein

    Listen folks the cars we drive and insure, the medical and dental costs, the food we eat and the cloths we wear , the plane trips around the world are not paid for by anyone but you .

    So keep in mind your devotion to Jehovah and his appeasement by your actions weighs on your labor in distributing are literature and the money you bring to the organization.

    You want to be in good view of Jehovah in the soon to come judgment day don't you ?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Perhaps the new Britain Branch is just another phase in the consolidation of Branches, and is being built over such a large area in order to assimilate the functions of several European Branches. More sell-offs, less overheads, more cash!

    Up to - and including -the Annual Meeting in October, I foresee heavier pressure being brought to bear on the sheep for more fleece! Why?

    Because the sheep were bleating long before the "Lett's Give More Cash to the Org" video-nasty, and for that reason, the Org will not see the hoped for increase in donations between now and October - not even at their conventions, which involve so much expense for the average J.W.

    Watch this space.

  • Awakenednow
    It seems that with multiple corporations they probably shuffle the money out of one and the GB handlers tell the GB omg donations are down go get more...deficit spending because they made a large payment out to another holding company or hedge fund like they used in the funny deal with the Brooklyn properties. They are very wealthy and it's spread out on multiple financial statements. It all stinks! The friends just all had to buy iPads too. Pretty The starving dude spoon feeding the fatty cartoon above is right on , lmao
  • jwleaks
  • flipper

    I believe the WT Society is doing quite well financially , I mean it's a billion $$$ organization, right ? However that being said- I'm sure that all of these child abuse lawsuits coming against the WT Society are causing them to leak a little financial oil here and there.

    So instead of being honest in telling the real truth to JW's on that " we need more donations in order to pay out money to our young brothers and sisters who are victims of child abuse " -instead- they have Stephen Lett get up there and manufacture the reasons for needing more donations for , " congregations being built, more kingdom halls, and the rising costs of spreading the good news of Jah's kingdom." It's the ultimate con game. The ultimate BS marketing ploy using guilt to induce JW's to see a perceived " need " in the organization - and then they all pat each other on the back for helping the organization out with this alleged " need ". And rank & file are none the wiser and just lap it up like kittens lapping up cream in a saucer. Cult mind control at it's most coercive , manipulative point. Unfortunately the GB have become experts at this. To the detriment of rank & file JW's

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