Ya' never did anything to tick me off
so I guess I still like you.
Dont worry about it.
Be yourself and treat people how you like to be treated.
If they still dont like you, thats their problem.
What happend to all those women who have been checkin ya' out?
Dont us ladies count as people?
Dont tell us you only want men for "friends" too.
Why don't people like me
by joelbear 55 Replies latest jw friends
If you don't care what people think of yo uthen why would you change your name? Logically, you shouldn't care what people think of your high post count. Interesting.
I don't like the policy of having the number of posts counted so I decided to not go along with it. Its like saying I take a bath because I dislike smelling badly, not because I'm worried if someone else thinks I may smell badly so they won't be around me. What's your big problem with me changing my screen name anyways Mr. Jedi? Feel a bit threatened by it? Oh, of course not, you're too much of a bad ass who comes on here to express their artistic side that you're just dying to let out.
Yes. I'm worried now that you're back to 20 posts people will stop paying atention to me and all flock to you. I worry about this. I'm up at night. Really.
And yes. I'm a "bad ass" *cough* Yeah. In real life I'm a 30 something biker that kills puppies for amusement, but late at night... when my chapter house isn't looking... I log on here and write poetry about daffodils and kittie cats. Heh.
Why would I want anyone to come flocking to me? Is that the reason you come on here is to have a following? That would explain quite a bit.......
You've figured me out. It is to be commended. And I would have got away with it too if it wasn't for you darned kids. You see, since I'm caught I'lle xplain everything to you before the police get here. I had been planning to take over world governments by slowly and subtly increasing my influence and power on bulletin boards on the internet. The Bulletin board, "Backpack Chat! - A chat for backpacks" has already fallen to my powers of deception as has the smurf bulletin board "Smurfchat2002" where I post under the psuedonym *OverlordSmurf*
Now, my game effectively exposed by you, an obviously clever and observant poster (and such a low post count too!) I guess I'll just slink away with my short blue smurfy tail between my legs. Good job champ!
Typical. Some idiot feels the need to harass someone for no apparent reason, then when the person doesn't back down from your mightiness and you really don't have any good reason to attack them you have to resort to stupid little BS like this. Sure you haven't gotten out of the JW's? Your words and reasoning really do seem like you're still in. You never did answer my question about why its so horrible in your world why I chose to not go along with the recorded number of posts. What's the matter? Your oh so artistic mind somehow shaken a little by it? Deal with the issues that you yourself brought up or it just goes to show the weakness of your petty little attacks.
You can do whatever you like. However, changing your name so that people aren't influenced by your post count is ridiculous since no one here cares about post count in the way you describe. I just pointed out the inconsistency of you wanting people to respect your opinions, then puffing your chest out like a 15 year old depressed goth teenager and claiming that you don't care what anyone thinks of you. You seem to be awfully upset about me pointing this out. Perhaps you care a bit mroe than you let on? Of course you do sweetheart. Of course you do.
Hey, I just said I didn't like it. You're the one that's getting so upset about it. So I said I didn't care what people think about me. I don't like the counting posts things, I change my name since that's the only way I can lose my count. I've never had any problems with anyone who does like it, I just don't. For some reason you've been giving me shit about it since I did it. You still haven't told me what your big problem with my actions is. Why is it you're so motivated to go after me because of that?
I said I don't like the way posts are counted because it seems to me people do seem rather interested in it (how many "Yea, I just made xxx status" posts have we seen?) and I don't want to go along with it because I dislike the policy the same way I don't shave my head because I think I'd look like an idiot. You're trying to argue apples with oranges here. What's your big problem with that? Why do you feel the need to keep harassing me about it?
Come on Naeb, answer the questions. What's your problem with it me changing my screen name?
I swear, the only time I have to try this hard to answer a simple question is when I'm talking with creationists. Must be something with people with low IQ's or something........... -
I'm not going after you. I mentioned it once because it seemed to conflict, and it does conflict with what you're saying here. You're nothing but a hard assed poser who wants everyone to believe that they don't care about the world! You keep responding, so I keep responding. Nothing more to it than that, why are YOU going after ME? Going by your life philosophy you shouldn't care at all what I'm saying yet you keep stuttering your weak kneed attacks at me. Which I find enormously amusing by the way. You even go so far as to look up other threads I wrote so you could call me an idiot. LOL. You really are something. But I'm going to work now, down at the Creationist research centre. It's not much of a job but us folks with the low to medium iq's need to be happy with what we have. See ya later tough guy. :)
You really are something. But I'm going to work now, down at the Creationist research centre. It's not much of a job but us folks with the low to medium iq's need to be happy with what we have. See ya later tough guy. :)
See what I mean, can't defend yourself so you resort to attacking the person.
You went after me when I posted that I changed my name saying that it was the stupidist thing you've ever seen, you're going after me now. I said I changed it because I don't like the policy of having posts counted. Once again I ask you, What's your problem with my changing my screen name?