Myself and an exJW friend were in Camden (London) before Christmas and we saw a JW literature stand manned by three young people outside the station. At first my friend didn't want to approach them as he has moved on and left his JW life behind, but I have never been involved with JWs and was curious, and wanted to engage them.
So I asked in a friendly and inquisitive manner what their beliefs were. I can't easily debate on JW topics (although I have learnt a lot now) so after the standard reply I just said with a kind of amazed disbelief in my voice:
"So you ACTUALLY believe that the myths in the bible are true, like the story of Adam and Eve and the talking snake and the global flood and Noah's Ark?"
The fashionable and stylish girl and the man did not reply, but the other girl simply said "Yes". I noted that she had a very sheepish look on her face, and was uncomfortable saying it. I said I was amazed that they took it literally in spite of all the scientific evidence to the contrary.
I then left it to my friend to debate with them as he knows the bible as well as science. He was polite, but easily outgunned them at every point, leaving them with nowhere to go and many questions they couldn't answer and had never before even considered. It was fascinating to watch and I was quite amazed to see how easy it was for my friend to run rings around them and how uncomfortable they looked defending fairy tales in the 21st century in a busy public place. It was obviously a relief to them when we moved on, but I hope at least one of them would have been googling for answers that evening.