Partisan - Great observation. Marx is to be respected too. Mind you he's dead so I don't suppose he's bothered much. We don't have Walmart as such over here in the UK but I get the point. I guess it's propaganda under a different mane.
Really enjoyed the CONvention....why?
by punkofnice 50 Replies latest jw experiences
To add to Partisan's comment, sometimes a new way of tying the ideology together gives a sense of epiphany, a new sense of depth in one's understanding since you're seeing the information in a way when you already thought you knew all about the topic. It's really no different from when someone becomes an expert on mythology (eg Joseph Campbell), and even though they may KNOW it's only mythology, they can gain a deeper appreciation for the hidden meanings contained in the story as their brain makes more connections with what they already know.
But unless you're approaching the subject matter with the preconception that it IS mythology, it's likely to leave someone with a sense of greater meaning, and it's just begging the brain to make connections that aren't warranted, since the brain WILL 'connect the dots' even when it's not justified; that's exactly how Rohrsach patterns work, by people seeing animals, etc when it is merely a result of randomness (think of people who see Jesus' face in their burned toast, and declare it a miracle: it's the phenomenon). That tendency translates into them interpreting the experience as having been blessed with some greater deeper insight.
And of course simply gazing across that sea of humanity at a convention sends a powerful message to EVERY ONE of the others in attendance, since one's presence only strengthens the power of the cult by adding one more 'body count' to the numbers reported to the Society. Hence why individuals who simply keep their thoughts and doubts to themselves STILL are serving the goal of the WTBTS: if they really believed TTATT, they'd vote with their feet.
If nothing it, it IS a change in scenery and outside of the normal daily hum-drum routine: ANYTHING that one does out of their normal life pattern is likely to be welcomed.
And sure, there's many reasons to justify why it's OK to show up at a convention (they don't want to be shunned, fading is too stressful for them, etc), but in many cases it is only that: justification and rationalization. It's like the old saying, "what happened if they declared a war, and no one showed up to fight?" So, what would happen if they announced a district convention (or meeting, or field service, or....), and no one showed up? The JWs would end YESTERDAY, that's what, since it's driven by people who SUPPORT the borg, if only by their physical presence and passive attendance.
(BTW, minors get a moral free pass here: they have no choice BUT to obey their parents, since they're in no position to make that decision while living under their parent's roof, until they become financially-independent and are able to support themselves.)
St George of England
Nosferatu - Nothong like a hot sister to make an a$$embĀ£y more appealing.
No thong indeed Punk! Or was that just a typo?
Conventions need a big Beachball and everyone doing The Wave!
adam - sounds like mob rule under delusion.
St George - I'll accept pun if it gains me more credit than typo.
designs - A beachball and a Mexican wave is more enjoyable than waiting for dinner whilst the latest batch of born-ins get craptized to dreary music.
Jw life sucks so much that conventions are a breath of fresh air. Who wouldn't want to sit and nap, and then see your friends and eat, all while being told how you are the nucleus of the New World!? It makes the crappy job, perfunctory sex life, never- ending meeting schedules, and never-ending field serve-us seem worth it. Sure life sucks, but you are the best of the best, and will only be better in the near future! The END(tm) will come in your lifetime!!
Data Dog - I used to chip off during the sessions. Got a bit drunk on more than one occasion. The best memories I have of CONventions are the ventures outside the ground.
In the past the talks would often have an interesting introduction and good illustrations supporting the scriptures. However they cut the length of the talks and reduced he introduction to an opening sentence so the talks just became dry scriptural rants. There was no self expression or an opportunity for the speaker to inject any personality into the material. I remembered nothing and began to feel that it was better to wait for the watchtowers to come along and explain it all.
When you take an autistic child to an assembly you need it to be worth your while and they never were.
Last convention my hubby snored so loud in one of the afternoon blah blah, that was the part i loved and will remember for a long time. And this other time, taking about the celebrations and christmas, one of the elders phone rang with the ring tone - Jingle bells jingle bells... ROFL. That was the best part too!!
"Converntions" were nothing more than WTBTS supported child abuse. I remember sitting in uncomfortable seating at Dodger Stadium, in July heat, listening to one meaningless talk after another. I would take a break every so often to go to the bathroom. On the way, in front of the restrooms, it was common to "witness" kids being beaten by mom, usually with belts or hairbrushes.
I hated every "convention" I attended. I used to look forward to them with as much happy anticipation as what I would expect a condemned inmate to feel with respect to his/her execution date.
Piss on the WTBTS for exploiting children and harming them in every way imaginable. Any parent who raises their kids in this cult is making a big mistake that they will pay dearly for in the future.