after a convention I always felt I had been beaten with rods, from the ego - driven high energy delivery of the speakers,
Really enjoyed the CONvention....why?
by punkofnice 50 Replies latest jw experiences
So, punkofnice, what were the attendance figures? How many were baptized? Did the tarts have real jam in them? Could you hear the discourses above the sound of the snores? Facts please, my man!
As a teenager, I liked them. It was a big meat market, at least as far as a Witness meat market goes.
Once married though, they became painful. Thankfully, I never ever uttered the phrase "The best convo ever" or " I really enjoyed the convention".
I enjoyed that it was OVER, and that the rest of the summer was MINE.
I never found any meat at conventions... ever. I had to go into the darkened, lonely alleys of the host cities to come close to any meat that would suit my particular desperation - and then, like the good little JW I was, I would flee, running back into the arms of my loving JW family, frustrated, longing, stifled, empty and tormented. And that was all by the first morning. I'm surprised I lasted all those long days back then. Ah, such memories!
lost generation you said "I enjoyed that it was over", well that I join in the applause after a talk.
I applaude the fact that the speaker leaves the platform.
Once I was watching a movie about the Mafia, narrated by a Mafia wife. She was lamenting the fact that they couldn't or didn't associate with anyone outside the group.
Then she got to the part that reminded me of conventions. She said something like, "We even went on vacation together." The assemblies used to be a way to soak up dubs' summer vacation, but, to give it somewhat of a positive spin, it might have been the only way many of them would have visited another place. At any rate, it took away any opportunity to be around non-dubs on vacation.
Organized religion, particularly cults, and organized crime have a lot of similarities.
Organized religion, particularly cults, and organized crime have a lot of similarities.
What a stunningly perceptive comparison. Brilliantly apt. Thanks Mum!
There was a thing I remember where I wanted the elan of the a$$embĀ£y to continue rather than go back to school the next monday.
A 'spiritual high' we called it. I experienced the same feeling going to a church or rock concert.
rmt1 -
My parents took me to the July 1973 DC in Veteran's Stadium, Philly. I was two weeks old. I don't remember much from that one.
I was 15 and very bored.
Steve2 -
So, punkofnice, what were the attendance figures?
Sorry, I was too busy counting 'z's'
How many were baptized?
Normally 3 born ins and a converted pensioner.
Did the tarts have real jam in them?
We had to bring our own grub. No food sold on site. Mind you, when you ask about tarts............hmmmmmmmm
Could you hear the discourses above the sound of the snores? Facts please, my man!
My own snores would obscure the propaganda. We did have some disasters sound wise. Sometimes we could actually hear the speaker. It was great to sit and drift off to the dulcet echoing tones of the droning turd on the stage.
the last big ass-embly i ever got dragged to was wembly--london--UK--about 1970 (?). it rained the whole time.
the only thing i remember was uberfuhrer Ron Drage walking slowly through the chaos in the underground passageways bellowing into a loud-hailer at the crushed mob trying to move. a total nightmare.