BOTH - You are right I did forget about the opossum. Let me rephrase...
Imagine all the hundreds of species of marsupials and monotremes living around Ararat along with the millions of other species of animals after the flood. At some point some humans takes every single one of those marsupials (apart from the opossum) to Australia thousands and thousands of miles away and not one of them died and left any remains anywhere else in the world (apart from the opossum) . Why did not a single placental species make it to Australia?
Multiply this dilemma thousands and thousands of times to explain all the other creatures that live only in specific locations.
Why did all the penguins head south and not a single pair go to the Arctic?
There are 37 species of lemur and every one is found only on the island of Madagascar. Not one lives anywhere else and no monkeys live in Madagascar. Why?
Why do all fossils first appear in the fossil record in a way that is 100% predictable and totally inconsistent with a deluge?
Why do American Christians hate science so much?
Why are people who believe in this sort of myth never intellectually honest enough to deal with simple questions?
Fossils of sea creatures at the top of mountains is exactly what geology predicts and is evidence of millions of years of plate tectonics.
A fascinating example is just up the road from where I live, its called Siccar point.
Here is something I wrote earlier...
Scottish geologist, James Hutton deserves to be remembered for his contribution to science just as much as Darwin.
In 1785 he published his "Theory of the earth" and presented it to a skeptical audience of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Shockingly he claimed that rock formations had been laid down gradually under the sea over millions of years and then raised up above sea level by geological forces.
Undaunted by his unenthusiastic reception Hutton went on a tour to find physical evidence to prove his theory. In 1788 he and his friend John Playfair took a boat trip down the Berwickshire coast in south east Scotland where he came across a location called Siccar Point that has become a mecca for geologists. He found a rock formation called an unconformity consisting of a vertical section of older rock known as Greywacke below horizontal layers of younger red sandstone. It was the holy grail he had been searching for. Clearly the lower layers had been layed down first and then turned up on end at some distant time in the past before being eroded and sinking again below the ocean. The sandstone had then been laid on top and the whole thing had once again been lifted up to become visible as they are today. It was the proof he needed, his opponents conceded and Hutton has gone down as the father of modern geology.
Siccar Point is about 30 minutes drive from my house and the land is now owned by a the Drysdale family whose son played football for one of my teams few years ago.I visited it a while ago, it was like visiting geologies "Galapagos Islands" You can see the formation in the picture below.