I like the fact that you are using the Pedophile issue which is documented and you can't in good faith go out in service until the WTBTS changes it's polices and becomes more responsible and law abiding. It's they who have stumbled you.
Here are some sites (sorry they are not click on ready my windows 7 doesn't want to cooperate.
There's a youtube we were discussing a day or two ago which interviewed a JW attorney and elder(?)about a pedophile case he was working on and the guy was clueless. http://www.10news.com/news/investigations/team-10-obtains-video-of-admitted-child-molester-in-jehovahs-witnesses07222013
Also this the other day: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/child-abuse/258835/1/Elizabeth-McFarland-child-abuse-lawsuit-on-the-news
These are recent and reported by responsible sources.
Good luck and let us know how it went. GIO