Now that I have fully awaken from this nightmare Cult, it pains me to know that I have wasted most of my life. When I was young I was a very driven boy wanting to accomplish all sorts of things. I smart kid and an athletic one too. I had so much desire and drive to do something with myself. I was told that i was a good enough athlete to play college football and possibly other sports. I think back to all the things i wanted to do and missed out of virtually all of them because of this Cult. Instead I stayed home dropped out of school and helped my parents work as lawn maintenance persons waiting for this system to end. Now at 46 years of age all i have to show for myself is some pretty awesome children. But the war is not over, i have to wage another battle with this Cult to extract my children from its demonic clutches. I'm sure each child will be a different battle all to itself. Lets not forget when this is all over my family will probably be torn apart and my marriage over. Sometimes in life you're the bug and sometimes the windshield, unfortunately i guess i will continue to be the bug, for how many more years only time will tell.
A wasted life.
by Crazyguy 17 Replies latest jw friends
Crazyguy .... lets hope you don't get squashed ...maybe
you will bounce off the windshield & live to fly again
Seriously ....take it slowly day at a time.
You never know how your family will react in the end!
I wish you good luck!
I hear ya! hang in there. It sucks to lay there and dwell on the thought that "It was just a cult all along"
And although probably not college material I still think of catching a TD pass "that never was" playing HS football.
Good luck and hope all will turn out well for you and family
Narcissistic Supply
CrzyGuy. Pull your head out and go to work on yourself. Just like you said you've got awesome kids and that pretty much would complete my bucket list at this point.
It's not the cards you'r dealt it's how you play them....
We just got screwed and no matter what it just sucks! Future, never could plan or see any. I can not plan for three months from now, lol.
Wordly people our age some really planned. How could that happen? We were all suppose to be living the perfect lives in paridise! Those wordly people were part of Satan organization and they were suppose to have awful unfullillrd lives, terrible marriges, disrespectful children, drunks and drug addicts, marriges with affairs. Seems like the oppsite is happenng. I see successful people.
Raised as a JW, I asked my sibings if they could ever see their future?The answer is No.I never could and I know it has something to do with early childhood.
I will pray that you find a Godhead religion that teaches the importance of education first before marriage. Some of these churches are helping kids with self esteem. Godheads the opposite of JWs.
Crazyguy I think this is something most of us go through when we fully wake up. You can keep kicking yourself or you could rise above it all. For me that is the hard part. Hopefully it will be easier for you. PM me if you want to talk. Take care. Totally ADD
CRAZYGUY-- Everything you said is all so true. Still, better to learn the facts (TTATT) at 46 than 56 or 66.
And best of all, your children are young enough that learning TTATT could really make a difference in their futures.
I understand where you're coming from, but focusing on the regrets of the past will only make the present and future worse.
Then someday you will look back and regret how much energy you spend focusing on things you couldn't change.
Focus on what you can do now.
Then one day you will be able to look back and see the positive changes that came about because you found out TTATT and changed course when you did.
Yeah, it's tough, we've all been there. I was 45 when I found out, and it was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing how much time I wasted on this cult, and how many things I could have done. But the 13 years since then have been the happiest of my life. I have accomplished many things I always wanted to do, and I am happily married to the guy I wouldn't date in high school, because he wasn't a dub. I still have goals and things I want to do with my life.
You are still relatively young (I know it doesn't seem so, lol) and there are so many things you can accomplish with the time you have left, the only limits are ones you place on yourself. Always wanted to go to college? Many universities have free online courses. Always wanted to involve yourself in a sport? Take a lesson, find a league, or buy season tickets. There is a saying I love, "Its never too late to be what you might have been".