LOL @ Berengaria
Scary Stuff
by Farkel 93 Replies latest jw friends
You never got your sight back. You are still as blind as a bat, but without the radar or common sense of a bat. You and your little dog beks, too.
No arguments, no thoughtful anything. Just cartoons from her and an idiotic comment from you. How could you even take any pride in that kind of shameful non-argument?
I pity your pathetic lack of serious comment or thought. If YOU had any education you could have made perhaps a contribution to this thread, but alas, your only contribution was high-fiving a cartoon by your little dog beks.
You want argument and thoughtful "anything"? You wouldn't know it if you saw it. You are ignorant sir.
Let's take my post for example, which you attempted to quote
You said:
:or the sake of argument however, Thomas Jefferson believed it was the job of the government to provide all with education. The better to preserve our democracy .
Where did Jefferson say that was the job of the GOVERNMENT, particularly the FEDERAL Government? And where did he EVER talk about a democracy in this Country? We don't live in a democracy, oh clueless one. We live in a Republic and despite my countless times at pointing that out you, you still just don't get the difference between the two.
First please show me where I ever referred to the Federal Government?? Second, we live in a Representative Democracy, a type of Republic. But that is beside the point, because as you can see, I did not capitalize "democracy". I have to hope you know the difference. If not, just ask, I'll explain it.
After being presented with one (of many) indications of Jefferson’s opinion on public education, you blather this nonsense
Nice Jefferson quote. Very Jeffersonian. Note that he wrote that long before we even had our Constitutional Republic and he wrote it for the Virginians. In that context it is idiotic not to agree with what he wrote. In fact, I fully embrace what he wrote.
Now tell me where he even implied that it was the job of a FEDERAL Government (which didn't even exist at the he wrote it) to provide the education for our children. Better yet, tell us all where the FEDERAL government now is or should be soverign over the States or local governments in providing our children with a good education. Just name the article and paragraph in the United States Constitution where they are granted that power, please.
You are yet again, simply arguing with yourself. Go for it, enjoy!
But your unwarranted rudeness by calling me "it" and "dog" along with your pointless rant against Wasblind, is weak, and quite frankly the epitome of pathetic. You are and have been for some time the rudest poster here. I must assume you are still here only because the administration pities you.
I could give you numerous examples of what I mean, but with your likely inferior education you would merely dismiss it and say, "that stuff is not relevant today and is worthless." You would say that because you haven't read nor been taught what I read and was taught in just High School. You simply have no personal frame of reference.
Considering that I too am younger than your oldest daughter, I too do not have a frame of reference. Can you provide some examples on how education is much better 50 years ago than it is today?
Run away little boy and pat yourself on the back and tell yourself how well educated you are. Damn the facts, just do it.
What facts?