Scary Stuff

by Farkel 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJS

    Regarding test scores, and this is something I know a lot about. I've been an adjunct professor at 2 local colleges for several years, and I have noted a generational shift towards dumbing it down, lowering the bar and ensuring everyone gets a passing grade. Administrators at for profit colleges are especially "guilty' of this.

    I've taught classes where 20 somethings were full of angst and drama because they werent going to make an "A" in my class, and they were used to getting "As" in the other classes. None of these students were above average; they were all "C" students but were being given passing or better grades due to the dumbing of the system. To think that they were used to getting "As" was an insult to me. And this was college folks; some of these students were a semester or two away from graduating.

    I have another experience which will shed light on the mother jones test scores to show how irrelevant they are. In my past relationship the woman had two sons, a year apart, who attended elementary and middle schools. These were considered very good schools with good programs and teachers (high socio-economic area). For several years running both of these young men were placed in advanced math and other classes at the beginning of the school years based on the previous years (the tests were administered at the end of the previous shool year) standardized test scores. They were scoring high in math and other topics even though they had to drop the advanced placement classes within a few months because they were woefully inadquate. They didn't get stupid over the summer. The problem is something I faced as an adjunct.

    It is called teaching to the test and it is dishonest and has no place in academia. But since standardized test scores drive funding from state and federal coffers and an improvement on test scores gets teachers and administrators raises and praise, guess what they have begun doing? Teaching to the test. Many, if not most, are preparing the students just in advance of the test dates on sample tests. I had the same pressue as an adjunct, as the Millenials were used to being given the exact questions and/or answers in advance. So mother jones figures are more than skewed; they are to me worthless.

    Several scandals have been uncovered about this topic; google it and you can see that it is a nationwide problem. I would compare it to the steroid issue in baseball; an asterisk should be place next to all of it.

  • Hortensia

    it's veracity, not voracity, unless you're talking about being hungry for education

  • Hortensia

    I believe there is a general dumbing-down of education. I used to own a business and was always amazed, when interviewing applicants for jobs, at how ignorant they were. They couldn't spell or do basic arithmetic, and they were high school graduates.

    I remember talking about JFK once with a friend. Her highschool kid said, "who was he? Oh, yeah, he was a president or something."

  • Farkel

    :George Bush thought Africa was a country.

    Our current president said he had campaigned in 57 states and was about to visit the 58th state. I saw the video of him saying this.

    I was in a check out line some time ago and the store's computer went down. I had just given the cashier some money and was waiting for change. The cash drawer in the register was open, but the clerk said she couldn't give me my change until the computer came back on and told her how much to give me.

    In the early 1990's, I had my two youngest children over for the weekend and asked my son if I could take a look at his homework. He was in the 8th grade at the time. His writing, grammar and spelling was atrocious, so I started to talk to him about it. He started crying and said the teacher told the class not to worry about spelling and such but to just write what he felt the words should be.

    Slimboiyfat on this very thread is probably high-fiving himself for thinking that bashing someone personally means winning an argument of ideas.

    Don't tell me our youths aren't getting dumbed down by our shitty education system.


  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Stupid is as stupid does.


  • LongHairGal


    Sadly, the country IS going backwards education-wise and heading towards illiteracy.

    There is even an arrogant attitude by some who imagine that all they need are computer skills. So, why the hell would they care about history or who George Washington is? Some think good old-fashioned grammar is an archaic concept that should be dumped. They view it with the same disdain as etiquette, ethics or morality. They can use a calculator but can't do long division on their own.

    Now, the schools want to stop teaching cursive writing! At some point, some will be signing their name with an "X".

  • Berengaria

    Who is this "some" that you speak of LHG?

  • Berengaria

    The "school grading system" referred to above is a grade given to schools, not students. In his previous position in Indiana, Mr. Bennett was found to have manipulated an A grade to a charter school set to receive a lower grade. Coincidently that school is run by a huge GOP donor (close to 3 million with 130k to Mr. Bennett himself). When the GOP talks about "reform" they mean one thing, private profits. The Bush family is well acquainted with such profits.

    Here is a very interesting article on education in Finland. They are at the top in math, science and reading. We would do well to take some hints from them. A long article, but well worth it if one is interested in the subject.

  • Phizzy

    Is this an international problem ? I can only speak as I find here in my corner of England, but today's kids coming out of school are lacking in the basic skills, writing, simple arithmetic, etc and know very little of History or Politics, or even Geography.

    Does this matter if they "know how to find the answer" ? not if they go ahead and do so, and educate themselves, but very few do that.

    The problem is that ignorance, and its parochial view, is a breeding ground for bigotry, racism, mysogyny and many more of societies ills. Education is what combats such evils.

    A poorly educated society is easily led by any charismatic charlatan, or would be Dictator. Ignorance is the road to Totalitarianism, we should not make light of the the younger generations lack of education.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    Farkel, where did you get those statistics from? Was that the complete list of questions included in the survey, or were the questions the students did well on left off your final list?

    Couldn't we use a similar survey to denigrate any other group? "Look how stupid older Americans are, only two out of five know that Columbus was not the first European to discover the Americas!"

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