This is well worth remembering
by The Quiet One 25 Replies latest social current
Iown Mylife
Good reference article to keep.
I like the ending - the spokesperson saying "their attitude is strange." -to say the LEAST
If my memory seves me correctly the explaination goes something like this;
Old Rules.....Prior to (a specific date) anyone could access the UN Library for whatever reason. New Rules..... Beginning (a specific date) in order to access the UN Library you had to register as a member.
Explaination or Excuse? You decide.
Paul Gillies, the Witnesses' spokesman in Britain, said: "We do not have hostile attitudes to governing bodies and if we are making representations on issues to the UN we will do so."
Yes I met Paul Gillies some years ago at London Bethel. I was engaged to a Bethel boy at the time.
What on earth does this sentence mean?
He seems to be saying, if we want to associate ourselves with the UN we will, so there. Very odd and so arrogant and hypocritical after calling the UN the Wild Beast that turns on religion.
I have never understood what the big deal is.
JWs also teach that Britain/America constitute a beast in Revelation, yet no one seems to object to them making arrangements with those governments. The UN "scandal"? Talk about storm in a teacup.
slimboy, i felt that way at first, although i was disapointed as a bethelite at the time to learn of it, but it didnt really shake me. Later, when I read a positive article they wrote about the UN in the Awake! magazine, while trashing it in talks and other publications, realizing they said it was to gain access to this "library" it seemed like much more than just a library card.
Yes the accusation that they supplied a quota of positive articles about the UN in the Awake! is the most damning aspect of the affair. But has it ever been proved?
Jehovah's Witnesses link to UN queried
Sect accused of hypocrisy over association with organisation it has demonised.
- Stephen Bates , religious affairs correspondent
- The Guardian, Monday 8 October 2001 18.42 EDT
SBF: I have never understood what the big deal is.
The big deal is this: If YOU or I joined the YMCA to use their swimming pool, WE could be DF'd for apostasy. But when the WTBTS was a card-carrying NGO affiliate of the "scarlet colored wild beast" it was brushed off as no big deal because they claimed they needed to use the UN library, which, by the way, has been conclusively proven to be false.
In joining the YMCA as a member a person accepts or endorses the general objectives and principles of the organization. … Membership means that one has become an integral part of this organization founded with definite religious objectives, including the promotion of interfaith. Hence, for one of Jehovah's Witnesses to become a member of such a so-called Christian association would amount to apostasy." - Watchtower 1979 Jan 1 pp.30-31 Questions from Readers
There's a term for this, it's called hypocrisy. Remember, this is the religion that loudly proclaims all other religions are false and only they have the truth. Also, for many decades they have condemned other religions for being NGOs of the UN.
The WTBTS is the one that labelled the UN as the Scarlet Colored Beast, the "Disgusting thing standing in a place it ought not."
We did not make this stuff up, the WT leaders did. They hypocritically broke their own rules, not just for a "quick swim" in a YMCA pool, but for a decade in the UN Library.
While they have acknowledged their error and changed, they did it privately and failed to sanction themselves. If an elder in a local congregation did such a thing he would be deleted as an elder at the very least and possibly--maybe even probably--be disfellowshipped. Yet all of the GB members continued to maintain their positions as if nothing ever happened. Why is that?
This is a textbook example of religious hypocrisy. Which is, by the way, one of the things that the WTBTS is always pointing to as proof that other religions are false. In reality, they are no different, they just pretend to be.
Agains, it's called hypocrisy.
Add to that the lies, cover-ups and failure to acknowledge error. For many of us it was and is a big deal, a very big deal.
Here is a link to a great article on the subject from