Slimboyfat why would science offer comfort or satisfy your need for a god? Its just a means to accurately observe what we see. That's it!
Its a protocol, a formula, thats all....... Why would ou expect more from such a cold, clinical process?
Science is nothing more than humans observing the universe around us, humans that have already accepted 3 assumptions...
The universe exists and so do we
It is possible to learn about our universe.
A model that is able to predict is the best model for learning about our universe.
We don't know those things for sure, but "I think therefore I am" gives us the mechanism to accept that we and our universe exist.
As for a model that uses prediction for observations, this is our scientific method. We can argue its value all day if you want, but nobody has come up with a better system yet AND it works, we are on the Internet, I am on an ipad, we have technology, medicine, progress because it works. Yes you can achieve these things without science, but not at the same rate or anywhere near the same accuracy. The scientific method is around 150 years old (Francis Bacon) and its no coincidense that the world has progressed so much in the last 15o years.
Science and god?
Well this is science....
First you observe something, then you examine the evidence of that subject. Then you use the summation of the evidence to form a hypothesis. You then do a mathematical formula to get a p value, the probability that your hypothesis is correct and not just random chance. Science us uses a p value of 0.05 for most science, so 95%.
Now we plan a test, we plan its method first and every single thing we state has to be proven. If it is unproven, then you have to do that science first! Anyway then we make our predictions and do the test.
Then the experiment is performed and we look at the results. We do the maths again and see if the results fall below the probability of random chance (5%) if it does then this result can be predicted to be replicable 95% of the time.
Now we release the data and the results in a scientific paper, the better the science, the better the journal that will take it. Now everyone reads it and questions it, this is called peer review. This new science will be introduced to newer science, if by some strange reaon the science was false or untrue it will become impossible to replicate and therefore it is not predictive when people try to use it in their science. Immediatly it is redacted from science. The motive to lie in science is low, you will be known as a sham and removed from science immediatly. That is your career over. Wy do it? It is impossible to remain undetected, especially in today's world of journal portals!
This all may sound like jargon and an inefficient human red tape, it may sound like a long winded way of staing the obvious .... why use the scientific method? to get rid of god...(Unweaving the rainbow).....maybe now you realise how silly tha sounds.... no its because it works! It brings us the best the human mind can currently offer! Disagree...... Become the most famous human alive and show us how to do better!
Now.... Try to imagine how science and god can in any way interact? First thing on the agenda of any science is observation. The paranormal, supernatural, spirit world is unobservable! Second,which god, what religion are we talking about? And why......?
As you can see, we have already strayed far from science! Open up and read any scientific paper, every sentence ends with a reference to the evidence for that statement, so that all science can be traced back to the source, to the real data, to the evidence!
Remember that first sentence.... FIRST YOU OBSERVE..... And again FIRST YOU OBSERVE.....
What exactly are we observing in regard to religion and god? In science we may look at an atom under certain circumstances, a chemical reaction, the effect of a medicine on a tumor.... But what exactly are we observing in this god science? Literally .....WHAT? It is Embarassing to even suggest it, it just shows a complete lack of understanding of what even science IS. How it works and what its limitations are.
Science has taught us more than facts and figures it has taught us much about humans. What we instinctively believe is not accurate. What we assume is not accurate, our judgment is far too poor to be useful in science. That's why everything observable has to be turned into math and prediction, we take it as far from the human realm as possible. So while science is examing the bosons that provide mass to the atomic world, slimnoyfat fat wants us to ackowlage his god because science does not provide comfort!? That is like saying trees don't do good karaoke so lets all become German!
It's chalk and cheese! Its also a personal anecdote, the most invaluble of all evidence to science, for it is not observed and non-replicable. SBF tells us there is a god because he had a comfortable feeling at the idea of one existing. If I tell him I don't feel that he will call me a liar, or tell me I will one day or maybe say I am just unfortunate enough to not have experienced it. If I suggest that there are other fabricated beleifs that can cause comfort such as the belief of karma, which we assume he does not accept, he will insist that this is someway different. This is not science.. This is religious debate and it has never once brought benefit to the world. It doesn't work. It is subjective, there is no evidence involved. this is FAITH, this is not science.
the irony is that the bible makes faith the attribute of one of gods followers, yet modern religious peoole seek justification for their belive and try to impress evidence, be it personal or otherwise. Why not just put your hand up and say "I JUST BELEIVE, I JUST HAVE FAITH." That's cool, there is no debate there! Its what your god asks of you anyway! Why demand the faith the size of a mustard grain if the was evidence of god under every rock?
Ou see it doesn't even make sense theologically!
Emontions and bias will always rule our heads. Even in interpreting evidence. But lets stick to the evidence....
Right now, there is NO EVIDENCE OF A GOD....if you doubt that.. Don't you think every religious person in the world (50% of scientists are religious) would be shouting it from the mountains? But there is none!
if you believe a tree, or a human eye or a galaxy is evidence of a god (usually your own) I am afraid you are ignorant to the knowledge we have in 2013 because we know how they came about, without....... Without.... A god!
if you want to take it further back and ask where it all came from, we may ask the same about your god ...over and over.... We are simply asking you the same in return but you refuse to accept it, despite a god being far more complex than a universe by definition!
We are quite happy saying WE DON'T KNOW YET. But putting in "GOD DID IT" at every thing not yet explaind by science, is just lazy!
The easiest thing to do is to pretend that god (your god) is responsile for every thing yet not answered in just 150 years of scientific method and 20 years of computed science (faster science). I think that is a mistake on your part, every time we discover the gaps you are talking about, the god you worship becomes more invisible.
Finally why would we put a god, specifically your god as a scientific answer to anything? We know the origin of all the gods worshipped in humankind. We know their times of origin, we know the gods that came before them and after them, the stories that were stolen from older civilisations, we know the language that was stolen. We know the political and religious motivations for the invention of these gods!
knowing how science works, how on earth can you expect leading scientist to stop at the point of the Big Bang, pick up a scroll from 2000 years ago, penned by a particular religious order, and say that god, that god that is quite recent in the invention religions, that god responsible for a book that we know to be scientifically inaccurate and morally abhorrent, that god, who's e origin and doctoring we know came from other Egyptian and Sumerian gods.... THAT GOD is the answer to how this matter came into being.
That is not science it is ........YOUR faith.... A belief without evidence. I respect your right to that belief, but your belief does not equate to our evidence. It is neither equal or 50/50. It is not up for debate, it is not in question. It is simply your right to believe it and ours not to.
Doing this harms humans, the dark ages quashed science and progress. We would be cancer free by now without them! Don't kid yourself, its true! Putting religious answers into scientific questions, stops us finding the real answers! The bible clearly disagrees with evolution, yet evolution gives us medication, it gives us medical procedures, it gives us cures, it gives us answers! Denying it, denies progress, you are no different to a jail officer kicking Galileo to the floor and smashing his telescope up!
How does putting your man in the sky with a beard help humans work out how the universe began? The science of the Big Bang, astrophysics, provides us with amazing scientific advances! Its one of the biggest contributions to scientific economics to the western countries! These people will be responsible for powering our planet one day soon! Seeking these answers will change the world and yet you want to say "my god did it!" Its just plain childish and Embarassing.
Scientists may believe in a god like figure playing a role in the universe, a higher mind, a higher force. But there is no evidence for if. It is comforting, just as it is comforting to tell a 5 year old child that their missing pet dog has "gone to live on a farm."
There is no dog farm! .........
P.s. this was not all to SBF, sorry if it appears that way, its just a general waffle...