Hi Grumblecakes! I second Blondie's post. I experienced the same progression of events over a two-year period of time. I walked away cold and went from being contacted daily for five months to receiving my Memorial invite in the mail from the congo secretary last year and my Memorial and DC invites in my door this year.
My husband faded over 30 years ago. I was still in for three decades, and raised our kids as dubs. Hubby readily engaged the dubs, agreed with everything they said-- Yes, conditions are sooo much worse. Yes, I miss you and the friends too! Yes, I know my son gave a talk on the school; I heard him practice. Yes, yes, yes. Smile, smile, smile. Then he would always turn the conversation to them and their families. So nice to see you! Take care, bye!
Our daughter was asked for a shepherding call on the telephone when she was 17 years old. She "respectfully declined." She walked away and went to college. That was 15 years ago.
Our son chose the nuclear option: "Just f***ing DF me! I have a girlfriend (he was still married at the time-- really complicated story), and I smoke!" He was waving a lit cigarette at them. They cornered him at work. They obliged and DF'd him. That was 7 years ago.
I ignored all contact until about a year after my departure when a single el-dub in work clothes came to my door on a very rainy day. I let him in. He was alone. (Never talk to one of them on the phone either BTW, there may be a "second witness" listening in.) He asked how my sabbatical was going! Lol! I played the mental health card. Told him I knew where he was and knew how to contact him, if I needed to. I haven't seen them at my door or on my caller ID since. I still have lunch with my one conditional dub friend about every 4-6 weeks. Yes, she is probably counting the time. Helps me to keep up on congo news and fog my dub in-laws!
And get this; there is a whole hive of dub drone bees renovating a house right next door! I recognize all of the trucks. Hubby goes over to chat all the time. The contractor, a “bible student” with an “opposed wife” recognized me when I was walking to the mailbox early one morning. I said hi, listened to his woe and suggested he listen to his wife and do some online research about JWs. I thought I might have stirred the nest, but hey, it’s been a few weeks and no word yet—still just an “inactive sister”. Who? Don't even know the man! Never talked to him! No video; it didn't happen.
Grumblecakes, you are not accountable to them. Do what you have to in order to maintain the relationships you want for as long as you want. Just don’t talk to any dub on the phone or in person unless they are alone. Play the waiting game, and play whatever card(s) you have to. Each situation is different. Hope all is well for you and yours.