I'm thinking about going back

by Corboy101 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    " My focus is only on doctrine. "

    Doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses currently :

    A generation is NOT 30-40 years, not 70 years but 150 or more years of multiple overlapping generations recognizing the " time of the end " which Jesus said " this generation will by no means pass away till these these occur, then the end will come. " So the " time of the end " will be as long as the WT Society wants to make it to keep getting converts.

    If a Jehovah's Witness needs a blood transfusion they are not allowed to take whole blood transfusions to save their lives, only blood fractions and that's ONLY if a Christian's conscience allows it. If a minor child has Jehovah's Witness parents and needs a life-saving blood transfusion - these JW parents can choose to allow that child's death by forbidding a blood transfusion and will not be held accountable by WT appointed elders or the WT Society because it's a directive of the WT Society.

    If you have a child who is molested sexually by a fellow adult JW - as a parent if you report it to your congregation elders they are instructed by the WT Society to call WT legal headquarters FIRST before EVER reporting the crime to police. Then they are told if they live in a reporting state or a non-reporting state and given instructions whether or not to report the crime. If police investigate or attorneys investigate the child abuse elders are instructed to have them contact the WT legal department first. Elders are instructed NOT to give any information to outsiders unless the wT legal department is involved. Thus the financial interests of WT Society are the priority- not protecting innocent childrens lives.

    If you have a 18 year old child who wishes to attend college to further his or her education- WT elders are told by the WT Society to counsel you AGAINST sending your child to college to get an education. No " independent thinking " allowed outside of the WT organization. Talks are given at JW assemblies saying this and articles in the WT magazines. If you are an elder or Ministerial servant and your child starts attending college- you will be removed or asked to step down as serving in a position of elder or ministerial servant in the Jehovah's Witness organization.

    So here are about 4 DOCTRINES that may have changed since you last attended in 1986.

    You still want to support an organization like this ?

    Your statement, " I don't believe the acts of some bad people determine it to be the truth or not " . Even if those " bad people " are the ones making doctrines that take peoples lives, foster child abuse, deceive people about Bible prophecy and prevent young people's education ? To each his own. But I'd think this through if I was you

  • tootired2care

    I think you should go back for 2-3 months. I say 2-3 months to get past the love bombing stage, so you can see it not through the prism of love bombing. I think what you'll quickly discover is that the way it is now is nothing like it was 22 years ago. All of the more interesting prophecy, and history studies are gone and they now just mostly talk about being more obedient to the slave, doing more, avoiding pornography, and other boring topics like how "YOU" feel (and yes there is a wrong answer to those questions :/ ). Keeping up with Jehovah's celestial chariot will make your head spin.

    If you do choose to go back please let us know what your impressions are after the love bombings have subsided.

    P.S. They will probably want to put on convention stage as propganda tool to show that the "world" really has nothing to offer after all. I hope you can decline such an offer.

  • problemaddict

    Hey Corboy,

    Well lets be honest. This board is full of ex JW's or people still in trying to fade. We are constantly trying to convince others or ourselves to leave or at least use your brain. There is alot of info out there, and I feel that same way about the people that you do. Quite frankly my experiences with JW's have always been great. I ONLY left because of doctrine and enforcement of that doctrine.


    Take blood fraction unrepentantly in 1999......disfellowshipped. Take them in 2000......using your conscience. The blood doctrine is dangerously wrong.

    Was the organization selected exclusively by Godin 1919? Alot hinges on that. What evidence is there? Rutherford and his board, and then subsequent board memebrs are the faithful and discreet slave alone?

    Do you believe celebrating your birthday or the birthday of a child is an act of apostacy? Something you can be shunned for from all friends and family?

    What doctrine do you believe they have right? What is making you think about returning? 22 years....alot has changed. Its yourdecision, but its like the mafia. Once you get in.....you can't just walk away.


    Doctrine... Well, what the GB tell the rank&file Jw's to believe does not even meet the standards for "truth" according to the GB's latests sanctioned definition. So, I don't know what to tell you. Yes, there are good and bad in all people, and therefore in all faiths. If you like having discussions about what is proven, vs what is theory and NOT getting excommunicated, then I suggest that you don't go back. If you don't mind swearing loyalty to men and a Corporation, then go for it!


  • Crazyguy

    This religion denies the rank and file the Messiah, saying they do not have Jesus as thier mediator and their not under the New Covenant. This is big time wrong just read John chapter 6 starting in verse 49 and ask your self how many times does Jesus say "anyone". There is no 144k anointed kings and priest, nowhere in the bible will you find the 144k talked about being anointed or Kings and Priests.

    So why would you want to be part of a religion that denies you the King/Messiah Jesus and access to the Father???? If you go back your just an Idiot!!!!!!

  • punkofnice

    Hi Corboy. May I ask what your objective is for your post?

  • Pistoff

    Corboy, if you go back, you will likely lose the Jesus you know.

    WT teaches that only the 'anointed' are Christ's brothers, the rest of us only get life if we hang out with them.

    The bible is not written to us, but we have to follow what it says, really what the WT says, which changes every month, so don't get too attached to any WT doctrine.

    To sum it up: Jesus will NOT be your mediator, that is only for anointed. The anointed will put in a good word for you, don't worry.

    You are a hanger on, you get second prize, earth instead of heaven. In the disco waiting line for heaven, you are last and are wearing the wrong clothes.

    You don't get the same amount, or type, of holy spirit; you get it second hand, or reflected, or something, by the anointed. Hard to say, the literature is vague about this.

    You could partake as one of the anointed, but then you will likely be viewed as either fresh out of Christendom, or perhaps mentally or emotionally unstable.

    You will need:

    --A small cooler, for assemblies and conventions; don't confuse one for the other.

    --A leather behind, for all that sitting.

    --The large bottle of Nodoz. Practice waking up when you hear people clapping.

    --An iPad for looking up scriptures and the e-pub version of the WT, or if you don't mind being uncool, use the actual book version of the Bible, or in a pinch, an android tablet.

    --A car with 4 doors; 2 door cars are not theocratic. The ultimate Witnessmobile: minivan. Lots of cupholders for drive by coffee, stopping at McD's is frowned on now.

    --Shop thrift stores for second hand suits; new, well fitted suits might make you stand out.

    --For sure: lose this inquisitive streak that has you thinking of Jesus and doctrine; once you go back to the kingdom hall, it can only get you in trouble.

    Good luck! Don't knock on my door!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    According to the writers of South Park, God's chosen religion is.................................The Mormons!!

    (Tongues were firmly in cheek.)

    Hey whatever floats your boat.

    If JWs disappeared tomorrow, another high-control group like them would be right along shortly to take their place.


  • never a jw
    never a jw


    I am speechless. You want to go back!! Spend few months in this blog. Read few books about the WT (Crisis of Conscience, Gentile Time Reconsidered, Apocalypse Delayed, and many more). Read relevant publications of the WT since 1879. In other words: GET THE WHOLE PICTURE of the religion. You have to do a lot of homework.

    Take the study and challenge the person giving it with ideas you may get from the forum. But please, please, do your homework thoroughly. I have serious doubt you know half of what you need to know to make such a huge decision

  • leavingwt

    A key doctrine is to avoid apostates. This site is chock full of apostates.


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