Nightmares when active JW

by MissConfused 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MissConfused

    Very true exwhyzee - It did fade as i faded... finally TTATT set me free!

  • SafeAtHome

    Me too, SPLASH, I was afraid of thunderstorms, probably thanks to that horrible pinkish orange Paradise Lost book. Great reading and pictures for kids.

  • fulltimestudent

    In the lead up to 1975, as we were "prepared" for tribulation, I had nightmares about my young children, fleeing from some imaginery enemy and having to carry the younger ones in our arms ... of being caught and seeing our kids bayonetted to death because we refused to reveal some important organisational secret ... starving and thirsty etc etc.

    It really was a terrible fear, nothing quite grabs your guts like danger to your children *** ...

    1975 came and went (and apparently, all that preparation never happened - because now, the collective memory of the witnesses denies it did).

    In 1976, Brooklyn sent a former Aussie branch overseer out to Australia in an attempt to soothe things over ... Dougie told us, the big A could be 20 years away, let alone the nearly 40 years.

    Still that's nothing like the near 2000 years that the entire Christian body has been waiting for Jesus to make good on his prophecy of Luke 21, which promised the end for his generation..

    *** the Jesus promise that caused the nightmares - Luke 21:23, Mark 13:17-20.

  • MissConfused

    SafeAtHome - I know those pictures.. Good that i got 'The Troof' when i was 24. But i can imagine what must have gone through innocent childrens' minds. Darn these brainwashing cult!

    fulltimestudent - Yes, i feared that most of the times. I always thought may be i can take all the tribulation at armageddon and one thing i couldnt take would be my baby sufferring due to my deads and getting killed! o_O

  • exwhyzee
    In the lead up to 1975, as we were "prepared" for tribulation, I had nightmares about my young children, fleeing from some imaginery enemy and having to carry the younger ones in our arms ... of being caught and seeing our kids bayonetted to death because we refused to reveal some important organisational secret ... starving and thirsty etc etc. It really was a terrible fear, nothing quite grabs your guts like danger to your children *** ...

    So true FTS....I spent many night as a little boy tossing and turning wondering how I was going to resist giving up my faith to save my little sisters from being killed. After all, didn't they throw the 3 Hebrew boys into the firey furnace for not bowing down to Baal? I just knew "they" (whoever "they" was) were going to torture and kill my sisters or me if I didn't renounce Jehovah or the organization. My Dad was not a JW and from the platform I learned how he was not only going to be killed by Jehovah but before that, under Satans influence, he may even turn on his own family and deliver us up to the "authorities". My own wonderful could that be ???

    I wonder what it would have been like to have a childhood free of such fanatical brainwashing ? It's just sickening. I want my own "pound of flesh" taken out of the hides of the leaders of this orgaization.

  • Gojira_101

    No nightmares since leaving the cult. I'm surprised actually because I would have a lot of them actually.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I would get nightmares about fighting with my parents, being back at school redoing my tertiary entrance ranking even though I got a good one and went on to become a teacher in real life, but was failing it in the dream. I also had the recurring theme of trying to get to a destination but no matter where I turned I couldn't reach it, just got further away. I had dreams like these all the time and they stopped when I left. they were my subconscious struggling with the fact my life was being held back by the stupid religion and was feeling trapped ie back at school and failing as a uni educated adult! And I still don't know what the swearing at my mother was. It stopped when i left and my mum was never a Jw and I've always loved her.

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    Why would anyone want to bring division in families, make hate speeches, scare people to death, etc?

    I think most people that are in, really feel convinced about the end of this "doomed" system. The hate and divisions is a by-product of the indoctrination and fear tactics used to keep people where they are. I too would regularly feel genuine fear of Armaggedon and would pray all the time that I'd be found acceptable and worthy of life.

    Sad to see so many earnest people being led down such a hard road, feel especially bad for those elderly people that find themselves in too deep for change. It's just like drowning..

  • Heartofaboy


  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    I had this recurring dream until I read Gentile Times Reconsidered...

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