When I went to the dentist with my wife, the dentist identified that she grinds her teeth when she is sleeping and said that is usually a sign of high anziety. My wife denied that she is anxious and denies having trouble sleeping but I cannot help but feel that fear of Armageddon (and everything else) does make her fearful and is behind her teeth grinding. She does admit that she does worry about me and my son getting killed when the big A happens. My response is to tell her that if she woudl just listen to what I am trying to tell her she would realise that she has nothing to worry about. As to why the WBTs dpoes this - it is obvious you create phobia so you can represent your self as the safe haven to protect against the phobia. Cult indoctrination 101.
Nightmares when active JW
by MissConfused 24 Replies latest jw experiences
Band on the Run
I am surprised. Sometimes when I hear thunder or see lightning, I think of how afraid I was of Armageddon. I still need a nightlight to feel safe from demons. Do I have any rational belief in Armageddon or demons? No. It is hard to rid oneself of parental programming. The same goes for mental patient hearing voices or having delusions. I know it is a biochemical imbalance in the brain. It is hard for me to deal with, nevertheless. I believe it is difficult for anyone to hear schizoprhenic speech. My problem is I try very hard to understand what they are saying. Part of the speech makes sense which draws me in further. When I hear the incoherent part I freak. My brother has cerebral palsy and needed speech therapy. I was trained not to walk away but to listen intently. Of course, people with CP make sense.
On a similar post a few weeks ago =
... I posted this link =
Given enough thought these things leak right into your dreams.
Now with all the new videos for children on the JW org site,I guess JW kids will have even more nightmares.
MissConfused - "Why would anyone want to bring division in families, make hate speeches, scare people to death, etc?"
'Cause when you're building an End-Times-printing empire, that shit works.