The WT plays lots of word games. One of my favorites is their tracts that talk about "Observing" the "Lord's Evening Meal". Of course they cannot call it the Lord's Supper like the rest of western civilization. That would too religious. Yes, "The Lord's Evening Meal" sounds more formal, "appropriate" , even institutional ....kinda like a bethel evening meal, or a mental institution evening meal. But, excuse me I digress.
If you ask any JW if they reject the Lord's Supper you will likely be met with a gasp of disbelief at the very thought of such a a thing, followed by a quick assertion that do in fact observe the Lords Evening Meal every year.
Here's were the word "observe" deceives them. The word observe has two meanings. One meaning is to look at something, quietly, somberly, curiously, even intently.
Another meaning of the word is to participate in a customary activity. For instance, The Chinese observe the Chinese New Year. They shut down the factories for 2 to 3 weeks each year and all the laborers go back to their respective villages for some much needed time off. They throw parties and participate in the customary rites of that holiday.
JW's do indeed OBSERVE the Lord's supper. They watch intently, somberly, even curiously as the customary components of that holiday is passed to them. Then, without participating, they then observe the emblems being passed away from them and rejected by other observers.
In the JW mind, they think they have just celebrated the Lord's Supper. When questioned by uninformed non-JWs they are quickly quieted when the JW assures them that he does indeed observe the Lord's Supper.
Aren't words quirky, slippery little things?