So I TT Mom and Dad via skype last weekend (they live on the other part of the county) and the topic of abuse came up. Of course they went ahead and blasted catholics for their coverups. I mentioned Gonzalo Campos, now MOM and DAD know this guy he went to their hall for several years in San Diego. My mom got REALLY upset not with Gonzalo or the Borg, rather with me for bringing it up. She said that she would rather not know, and that me mentioning this case because I'm talking bad about the BORG. I said I only stated facts, and to think of the victims and thier families. she would't have it. Long story short, she called the elders in my hall and know they want to meet at the hall.
Mom & Dad (Uber Dubs) and convo about child abuse within the BORG
by El_Guapo 34 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Good for you. You have a chance to talk about what was in the news. What's the big deal about that!
Sspo is right, what are the elders going to do, punish you for saying an abusive man was abusive?
(1) one doesn't bring up the faults of the organization. Bringing up the subject means negative is on your mind, and if negativity is on your mind then doubts, discontent, and apostacy are sure to follow.
(2) She called your elders?? Wow. Now, what would be funny is if the elders talk to you and they say they need to talk to your parents. LOL.
(3) Obviously you are still involved in the church. But, if you were were just being factual (not emotional) and think the argument of immediate default is to attack catholics while avoiding issues of one's own religion goes against Matthew 7:3-5 and Luke 6:42 ('remove the splinter from your own eye before removing the rafter from your brother's'), you should feel free to discuss such among Witness family members with some immunity, or privacy.
Or maybe Matthew 7 and Luke 6 doesn't apply to those outside the organization? You might be confused about that. Be sure to ask the elders for clarification on the issue. :-)
JWs are quick to point out crimes committed by persons of other religions but when it comes to crimes committed by members of the congregation, they shoot the messenger or say that such actions are very rare among JWs...Any criticism must surely come from just couldn't be true because"mother" says it isn't. I would ask the elders if JWs should be judged the same way they judge other religions who were found to have paedophiles among their clergy members? If not, why not?
@BSD I've not gone to a meeting since Nov-Dec 2012. You guys are right, quick to point out faults in other religions but don't dare say anything about the BORG.
I'd just thank them but let them know you can't make it. Make them convene a JC if they want you that bad. My guess is they call you for a while then it goes away.
Refuse to meet. When was the last time the Elders called, just to say hello? Exactly.... Do not cast your pearls before swine. They WORSHIP the ORGANIZATION.
Ask if they have two witnesses.
label licker
If they set up a jc and you don't go, you will automatically be df'd on the grounds of a bad attitude. That's what happened to hubby. As far as witnesses go 1 Corinthian 13:1, they do not apply it. I supposedly was suppose to have twenty-five accusers from my hall and yet not one story was the same and not one story had two witnesses yet the co said because there were twenty-five with "similar" stories I got publically reproved for discourageing ones from pioneering five years ago. I guess that's where the brazen conduct rule comes in. They can go back as far as they want even if the accusers couldn't remember their stories.
Bottom line-if they like you you won't have to worry about it. If you don't care if you get df'd then don't bother going to any hearings.
Good luck!