Mom & Dad (Uber Dubs) and convo about child abuse within the BORG

by El_Guapo 34 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    I had a same problem with my parents...especially my mother.

    My dad's response: This is really sad, the elders shouldn't have hid the problem from the police. But in due time Jehovah will fix all matters in his organization.

    My mom's response: I don't beleive it. News like that are from appostates who're just trying to distract us. So Kool Jo, my son, why are you reading news about stuff like that? Are you doubting the organization? Ever since you've moved away from home and traveling because of that job you're getting spiritually weak


    Kool Jo

  • blondie
  • El_Guapo


    My parents are in San Diego, in the Spanish. I'm on the East Coast. My dad knows the elders here because when he has come to visit he has gone out to fieldserivce with a couple to get the scoop on my spiritual health along with my wife's. My dad has been an elder for many years, but he is a spy. I have to be very carefull what I say around him because he does stay in touch with our congregations elders.

  • Crazyguy

    Yep when is come to the ORG we must "wait on Jehovah" " Jehovah will fix it" "Jehovah can resurrect" but if your a Catholic then your screwed because Jehovahs doing nothin for you. Love this religion.

  • skeeter1

    If I tell anyone associated with the JWs, the real truth about the JWs . . . i get the same response. It starts with "imperfet men."

    I thought about it. I think that the JWs get mad becuase they think I am insulting them personally, if I discuss any JW flaw. They hear me as saying, "The WTS is a a stupid religion" and then associate me as saying, "So, Skeeter thinks I"M stupid for following the stupid religion." Since the Truth can't be stupid, the follower retorts with the "imperfect men" counterargument.

    So, for now, I am not talking about religion at all with anyone associated with the JWs.

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