Bella said-
@ ADAMAH .... you are right, we need to always be on the lookout to make sure we are getting rid of the personalities traits we adquired for being in that CULT ...
Yup, and even more scrutiny must be paid to those traits we've never questioned which may have let us be persuaded to join, in the first place! Those are often harder to root out, since they're so deeply engrained, and at the core of our beings such that they're often harder to see.
Marvin said-
You might find the 1983 article by MacDonald and Luckett helpful. It’s pretty extensive in its evaluation. I highlight a few key elements in an article on my blog.
Interesting article, Marv, thanks for sharing.
I noted the mention of psychoses, and suspect those individuals who experience auditory/visual hallucinations (AKA psychoses) may be especially prone to religiosity since the Bible is a book filled with the stories of those who heard voices, too (eg Abraham, Jesus, etc). So for those experiencing such symptoms, the Bible seems like a radio station sending a message that resonates with them in stronger fashion than it does for others. You throw in the component of not just inviting, but DEMANDING that the reader gets involved in the story-line, and you have a situation which is absolutely TOXIC for those prone to suffering psychoses (bipolar, schizophrenics). For them, reading Revelations is a terror-inducing experience that persists.
We rate movies based on assuming that a child of a certain age has reached a certain level of emotional maturity in order to deal with seeing certain psychological stressors (eg gore/violence), but the thing that's often forgotten is that emotional maturity differs, so the assumption is not necessarily valid for all individuals (hence the recent thread on Pastor Rick Warren's son commiting suicide, with a known diagnosis of bipolar disorder).