My journey away from the WT led me to take a good look at myself
and how I viewed other people. Instead of the "US" and "THEM" thinking
of the WT, gradually learned to connect honestly and respect people.
I learned the meaning of real love and friendship, not conditional on
bowing down to arrogant, dishonest, false leaders and wolves in sheeps clothing.
I never lost my belief in God or my apprecaition of the extreme beauty
and complexity of this planet and universe. I continue to search for authenticity,
for meaningful and honest relationships and to do work that inspires and
is creative. Just seeing things without the warped and judgemental slant the
WT puts on everyone and everything. Being able to breathe freely.
Its not all or nothing, its shades of all colors in between.
There is no "be a witness or be evil" that is absurd.
Its be real or be a fraud. No more special language,
just honest plain speech . No more delusion I have "special knowledge"
There is nothing "special" in anything the Watchtower has ever taught.