He should be happy they didn't call the cops on his weird ass...
David Splane stares at school children
by VM44 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Oh why oh why could he not have been living in,......
"The Village of the Damned!!"
Where staring at kids is not the most prudent thing to do.
Brick wall, Brick wall, Brick wall, Brick wall, Brick wall, Brick wall, Brick wall, Brick wall,
How many of these poor kids even knew who the hell the two creepy strangers were who were staring at them? It's little wonder it made them uncomfortable.
All these School Children were staring at me..
So I Stared at Them!..And.. Ooohh BulletHead!..
They got Scared!!.. Your so Manly!!..
An adult man "staring down" school children is creepy weird. Bragging about it privately is bizarre. But apparently publishing the account qualifies one to be a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ah yes, "The Faithful and--oh so--Discreet Slave."
What a bunch of whackos running this religion.
I can't believe I ever believed any of it!
Hey VM44,
I first thought that Splane was talking about himself and the GB! And these monsters can finger-point to the Catholoic Church! Good grief!
dazed but not confused
The kids were probably thinking... "Why is this creepy assH*le starring at us?"
I wouldnt want to look long at a child molester look-a-like either.
Well, what else is missing from this experience?
Were there Munchikins, and Lollipop kids inviting them to Munchikin land.
The GB seem strangely interested in children and not in a healthy way!
Say no more squire!
l p
what a F*%$ tard!
Children you moron...you idiot!