How do we know Satan was evil?

by truthhurts13 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • truthhurts13

    I believe a good Judge would have to hear both sides of the story before making a final judgment. However, I don't ever recall hearing Satan's side of the story in the Bible. I remember Only 3rd party hearsay evidence (which is not evidence)

    Lucifer does mean Light-bearer, illuminated one etc. Could it be possible that it is the other way around?

    I don't recall Satan giving orders to destroy cities full of women and children, Nor do I recall hearing any 1st hand testimony on his behalf, where he got a chance to set the story straight. Kinda seems like he got the short end of the stick......

  • Seraphim23

    As a Christian, my reading of the bible suggests Satan doesn’t exist as a spirit entity but rather a description of a person or group of people who accuse, test or lie and deceive intentionally or unintentionally. By extension the term also gets used to describe the inner personality that listens to, or it attracted to such things as lies and deceptions with all it brings, including death or murder, or the desire to do such.

  • Comatose

    I like your point truthhhrts. Interesting.

  • mP


    Lucifer does mean Light-bearer, illuminated one etc. Could it be possible that it is the other way around?


    Lucifer is another name for the planet venus. Read the scripture (lucifer only appears once in the bible in rev) replacing lucifer with venus and its all true. Venus appears before the sun etc.

    Lucifer ( / ' l u? s ? f ?r / or / ' lj u? s ? f ?r / ) is the King James Version rendering of the Hebrew word ?????? in Isaiah 14:12 . This word, transliterated hêlel or heylel , occurs only once in the Hebrew Bible and according to the KJV-influenced Strong's Concordance means "shining one, morning star, Lucifer". [1] The word Lucifer is taken from the Latin Vulgate , [2] which translates ?????? as lucifer , [ Isa. 14:12 ] [3] [4] meaning "the morning star, the planet Venus", or, as an adjective, "light-bringing". [5] The Septuagintrenders ?????? in Greek as ?ωσφ?ρος [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] (heosphoros), [11] [12] [13] a name, literally "bringer of dawn", for the morning star. [14]


    Go back adn read many of the supernatural descriptions of Jesus and replace Jesus name with Sun and its all true. The sun comes in the clouds, it walks on water, it feeds all creatures, it is the light of the world etc.

    The authors are merely talking about our world, with the Sun being the giver of life.

  • mP


    I don't recall Satan giving orders to destroy cities full of women and children, Nor do I recall hearing any 1st hand testimony on his behalf, where he got a chance to set the story straight. Kinda seems like he got the short end of the stick......


    Satan never does a wrong or evil thing. The only wrong he did was question Jehovahs authority. Too many people read the OT as an account of morality its just propaganda to justify a particular ruler be they priest or king. Naturally these individuals say only they are right and god selected them. Therefore god must always be right, just like them.

  • fakesmile

    because our feeble human minds must rationalize good and bad. evil vs. good, light vs.darkness, etc. substitute "satan" for running out of booze. same meaning which is only a small step away from "satan caused me to run out of booze, god or good wouldnt have let that happen. which reminds me, i need a beer. god is good.

  • fakesmile

    oh, no. im out of beer. damn satan.

  • WTWizard

    Just by reading the first 3 chapters of the LIE-ble, it is blatantly obvious who is really wicked. Who issued death threats to mankind? Who wanted knowledge withheld from us? Why would joke-hova not want us knowing good from bad, except to enslave us?

    Reading farther, you see Jacob being exalted. For what? That scumbag did nothing more than use fraud to take Esau's blessings away. Esau did most of the actual work, putting his life on the line to provide from the family. And that parasite that we know as Jacob did its best to swindle it away. Which one does joke-hova exalt?

    Who is it that has formed a people for the sole purpose of going into the Gentile nations to destroy them? This account is found throughout the books of Exodus through at least 2Kings. Preparing the people to go into lands where Gentiles were minding their own business, then slaughtering them all and destroying them, is not exactly my idea of being good. Yet, joke-hova consistently exalted this people whenever they did just that--and chastized them when they adopted Gentile-like traits. To create a race or nation specifically to drive Gentiles out of their own land, and then proudly detail it through the early chapters of the LIE-ble, and then later bashing anyone that criticizes this as "anti-Semite", is far from evil. Did Satan do any of this?

    Going even farther, Jesus offered numerous pieces of crap advice. Selling all you have to give to the poor? I suppose this means I owe it to Jesus to bust my butt all my life, and then whatever I happen to accumulate including the shirt on my back, I am supposed to sell and give the money to the poor. Then what are they supposed to do, sell that and give that money to the poor? Or, what about those who buy what I sell to give to the poor? I suppose they are sinful for buying, and need to sell to give to the poor. Ultimately, this merchandise would have zero value.

    Beyond that, Jesus (and Paul) glorify poverty, celibacy, and slavery. How many rules does one need to suppress sexuality? And so what if 2 or more people choose a homosexual or bisexual lifestyle, for the time or permanently? That thing called Paul also bashes women. Yet, does joke-hova ever denegrate Paul as being "of Satan"? Hardly. Paul is "of Christ"! Instead, Paul bases one's righteousness on suppressing natural desire and lowering what one wants. This comes directly from joke-hova, who directly condones it.

    With all that, it is pretty blatant right from joke-hova's own LIE-ble, that joke-hova is the one that is evil.

  • mP


    Your right, ever story in the bible has only one theme, the selected or special one is an areshole and can do anything regardless of the goodness. Theres not a single story of kindess or goodness done by one of gods special ones.

  • Jeffro


    As a Christian, my reading of the bible suggests Satan doesn’t exist as a spirit entity but rather a description of a person or group of people who accuse, test or lie and deceive intentionally or unintentionally. By extension the term also gets used to describe the inner personality that listens to, or it attracted to such things as lies and deceptions with all it brings, including death or murder, or the desire to do such.

    More 18-point text? Seriously?

    Your description of 'Satan' is a better fit for the historical development of the term as used in the Bible than as an actual entity in either traditional Christianity or in JW-land.

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