Cold Steel; "We reject God as just,merciful,benevolent and kind,
then he has either deceived mankind or someone else has
deceived mankind into thinking he is a malicious unjust and
Just last night reading Numbers 31:7-18. Is this a just,
merciful God?
God commanded Moses to kill all the males (Midianites).
I guess to reduce the Midia to slaves and put an end to them.
Moses become angry with his army officers, why?
Numbers 31:15, have you kept all the women alive?
Kill every male among the little ones and only keep alive
for yourselves all the young girls who have not known
a man intimately.
Now if his intention was to commit genocide it did not work, because in
Judges 6:1-2 they are back again, now the Midianites oppress Israel.
You tell me, is this the act of a loving God??
It looks to me a God that is getting his kicks and having
fun with mankind slaughtering one another.
This kind of behavior is unacceptable today, but yet
we are to follow his his written words.