Why do the GB need a new Bethel compound if the end is so close? Here is the "official" answer

by sir82 120 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    ugh,, all the other 7 million JWs must wait for their "beautiful" home and "paradisaic" yards till Armageddon and 'eke' by till then.

    Where's their faith that God can protect them? What about all of the thousands of JWs in New York & surrounding metro and all the other cities in the world, etc.?! They'll have to supposedly clean up the mess of all those cities that their god destroys.

    The GB is choosing to have their Paradise 'now.' Wish the followers would/could see that!

  • minimus

    and here I thought NYC was somehow going to be saved at Armageddon.

    Hmm, wrong city, I guess.

  • clarity

    Thousands you will see fall, yes at your very side....

    Remember that song? hahhaaahahhhhaaaaahaah


    Guess ja could pick off the bad guys better in that song anyway,

    bunch of scam artists!


    They are following their leader christ Judge Rutherford , who made

    the lame excuse of building a mansion, for the"Princes" of old!


    For security from armageddon war, Beth Sarim & Beth Shan had massive

    'bomb shelters', which were hidden underneath.

    Access to these tunnels rooms, was thru a seculuded area & a secret switch

    that opened a wall!


    I guess rutherford didn't know if it was gods will or not either.

    but he did it anyway..........just like the gb!



  • frankiespeakin

    Thousands you will see fall, yes at your very side ....

    Unless your in Brooklyn Hieghts and happen to be outside....

  • Mum

    In the early '70's a married sister from another state moved to where I was living to stay with her parents because her husband wouldn't fix up their property or hire anyone to do so. Why should he when Armageddon should be here by 1975?

    She told us that she had pointed out to him that the Society was improving buildings and purchasing new ones as well. I think that's around the time they bought the Squibb Building in New York.

    History is repeating itself here. Are they going to buy weapons and build walls, too? I remember a long-ago book study where there was a smug comment by the Israelites in the Old Testament that they were in a "wide-mouthed cooking pot" or some such nonsense. They felt protected from attack from the outside, in any case. The ending of the matter was that they needed to escape the city, but there was no way out. Does anyone remember this and which publication it was in?

    It gets curiouser and curiouiser.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, that is the official answer for gullible, brainwashed followers .

    My guess is that it is a very lush and secure fortress-like retirement complex/village all rolled into one. They are getting out of New York because it is less appealing to be in a big city and I don't think it necessarily has anything to do with Armagonnageddum.

    Some have said they are having their paradise now and that might partly be it but I think they are looking out for themselves in their twilight years and want the best.

    I am sure it probably has a bomb shelter and all the other luxury trimmings. They talk about "faith" but they probably expect all the unlucky R&F to wait on a "paradise" or resurrection, if necessary. I am sure if there were a real emergency, the doors would be locked and it would be shut up tighter than a drum!

    They make me sick.

  • sir82
    Are they going to buy weapons and build walls, too?

    The guy I was talking to said they had contracted armed security (worldly of course - JWs can't use guns) to keep the riff-raff out.

    There are undoubtedly lots of high-tech tools being used, and probably not all that securely locked up at night, out in the middle of nowhere.

  • straightshooter

    What a smart decision by the GB. They are not only making bundles of money through contributions, but the sales of the Brooklyn property have also brought in lots of money. They just can't sit on this money, no, they must build, build, build.

  • FadeToBlack

    Without doubt, once they are setup, they will invite all the friends from NYC (at least from Brooklyn) to come up to the farm for their safety (not). Soon after, other witnesses will be invited. They will probably begin to buy surrounding farmland. The walled city project will have begun. A two-tier system will appear with the Bethel family calling the shots( nothing new. They are entitled) . Everyone outside the compund gets to plant potatoes (which are delivered to the compound for storage). I picture them easily being overrun WTSHTF. Can anyone picture Splane doing hand-to-hand combat with the zombies? I didn't think so...

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    Does anyone remember this and which publication it was in?

    'Know Jehovah' book, Chapters 11 and 14.


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