Remember that in the real world where many Jehovah's Witnesses are Janitors,Window Cleaners & so on they have zero power & Zero opportunity to influence others.
Most have only been educated to a High school level & the only books they read come from the WBTS, therefore they have only knowlege from those very biased sources.
If they are kept busy in the Truth(sorry did I really just write that)then they have no time to learn or question from other sources.
These men & women have power only then with uneducated sheep who have almost no independent thought so of course they are held up at meetings & assemblies of not only paragons of virtue but as almost perfect humans to boot.
Sister or brother so and so is a pioneer or an MS or Elder or an Elders wife,son, daughter & so on. It is almost a celebrity status.
I remember how pathetic I thought people were when DO's or CO's visited like going out in the service to look good & more so if they wanted to be an MS or Elder.
I also always thought that Assembly experiences were BS or exaggerated for effect.