Lookout western Christianity - here comes the Chinese

by fulltimestudent 20 Replies latest social current

  • fulltimestudent

    designs - about 25% of South Koreans are Christian, and I agree that they do tend to be enthusiastic, and maybe doctrinally adventurous. I once had a visit (they door-knocked the apartment block in which I live ) from a group of attractive young Koreans (wait for it) to invite me to the memorial of Christ's death." Oh! I thought, Korean JW's," and invited them in. Turned out they were not J/witnesses, but somehow they had picked up on the same thought of an annual memorial. Their English was not so good, and my Korean non-existent, so communicating ideas was difficult. Could not find out a name tag, as they insisted that they were, "just Christians, doing the will of Jesus." And, that the Bible was their sole guide, not the thoughts of humans.

    Oh, well! Been there and said that too.

    There is a historical closeness in thought among East Asians (Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans and Japanese) that underlies the relationship between these nations, in spite of apparent contemporary difficulties. The relationship between Koreans and Chinese is even closer, as they share a past connection, like 'lips and teeth' as the saying goes.

  • fulltimestudent

    And mP,

    Great to see your interest in Chinese history, and that your approaching ideas with a sceptical attitude. A thousand years ago, Cheng Yi (1033-1107) taught his students, " A student must first of all learn to doubt." (Wai-shu, 11:2b)

    (My source is Wing-Tsit Chan's, A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy," Princeton, Paperback ed. 1973, p.570 ), so I usually try to check everything that I write, as I write.)

    So to follow Cheng Yi's adage, I will accept your advice that I made a mistake and check my facts.

    I wrote (in reference to the home province of the women in my shopping centre):

    (Fujian) ... is also next to the province which spawned the Christian Taiping, who under the genius Emperor Hong Xiuquan, nearly conquered China in the mid 19th C. Only the support of a European Christian supported army, led by the English General, 'Christian' Gordon, defeated the Christian Taiping - Ironical, isn't it? The Europeans decided they'd rather root a weak Qing dynasty, than attempt to rape a strong Taiping regime.)

    So somewhere in that statement, you tell me, there are some 'basic facts' that are wrong.

    Please, could you be more specific and name these wrong facts for me?


  • Mum

    A fact cannot be wrong. A fact is what is, indisputably. Maybe there was an allegation that something you said was wrong.

  • mP


    i thought you didnt emphasize the xianity of the jesus brother, he also was not the emperor. It basically was xian v xian in that battle.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    The thing I like about the Chinese is that they're not out to invade the world. They migrate to all over it yes, but they're very true to their culture and don't try to inflict it on others.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    FTStudent, I sent you a PM.

  • Quarterback

    Another thing I like about the Chineese, is that they don't mind admitting when they are wong.

  • *lost*

    Can -wiki- really be trusted to be a truly factual site, with no errors ?

    They don't have the truth abnout the name je-hovah there, I had to dig very deep.

    Don't know much about the chinese FT, only that they are generally very nice people, cultured and respectful.

  • mP


    What did wiki get wrong about the name Jehovah ?

  • fulltimestudent

    Yes Mum, the word 'fact' has that basic meaning - but language and its usage is an evolving thing. And, in any case, a recognised (by whom?) fact of this moment, may be found to not be a fact tomorrow as knowledge and understanding evolve.

    And some facts cannot be facts. To Christians, the existence of Yahweh is an indisputible fact, but it certainly is not to me.

    But thnx for reminding us not to be slip-shod in what we say.

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