Interesting metaphor but a little bit over the top.
I Was Spiritually Raped, Molested, and Held Hostage!
by GonzoX 22 Replies latest members adult
Nathan said-
One criticism of your metaphoical use of "rape, molestation and (being) held hostage" is that it tends to dilute the significance of REAL rape, REAL molestation and REAL hostage-taking.
Yeah, that's a valid point, but it's also typical behavior for those who left a group where the lure was based on appealing to their personal narcissism (typified in the idea of being BFF with God), and being a member of a group which forces people to be immune to the feelings of others by participating in group-think (eg shunning). Since what you think doesn't even matter in the group, what you feel matters even less.
And just because someone leaves the group doesn't mean personality traits like empathy spring up on their own; the personal growth won't begin if someone festers in the 'stew' of only seeing the harm they experienced.
Apparently there was no use of a typical, antitypical, symbolic or firgurative condom.
Rub a Dub
I would be the last one to minimize the spiritual abuse suffered by any of us.
I think the use of "raped, molested and held hostage", in addition to what Nathan says, also validates the "apostates are liars" meme, which does not help anyone.
Sorry for what you've been through though.
I am sorry for what you've been through - it sounds highly traumatic by any standard of appraising human experience. However, I do worry about your borrowing of words which are rightly rooted in the literal world of physical exploitation and sexual abuse to convey the spiritual, mental and emotional abuse you clearly suffered. I'd even go so far as to suggest your suffering could be undermined by your metaphorical use of language displayed in your post.
I think equating it to serious sexual assault is wrong on so many levels. As well as being insulting to survivors of such crimes, it immediately diminishes your own claims IMO. It's better to call it what it was - spiritual abuse, mind control cult, whatever you want to use - just make sure it describes the actual 'crime'.
You undermine your own argument when you use the language you have and it does nothing to elicit sympathy.
Change the Title to: I was SPIRITUALLY Raped . . . .
I feel likewise "abused" and understand your feelings, yet I understand those offended by the comparison.
I am not offended 'cos I haven't been raped, I suspect.
But,...rape is not your personal metaphor to be deployed as you see fit - ask your female friends - if you ever get the chance to talk to a live girl that is.
i think if you put "mentally" or "spiritually" raped in the headline i'd be cool with it. i do think that is an accurate way to describe it, but you got to differentiate.
I updated the title.