I Was Spiritually Raped, Molested, and Held Hostage!

by GonzoX 22 Replies latest members adult

  • Blueeyes54

    You are not menatlly ill. That is what you are told when you do not comply with their control. I spent 50 years of devotion to the JWs. I was falsly accused and thrown out like so much trash. I felt like the concubine in Mizpah. The elders had their meetings over and over again, and when I sought help from the GB, was thrown back to the same elders. After awhile I felt spiritually raped. After you have been through the devaluation, and loss of credibility of full-time service, you can't feel any other way.

    I have gone to college and graduated with my degree in Sociology. I have volunteered at a mental health drop in house and a teen drop in house. I see victims of contolling abuse everyday. They drag in like used rags, needing a washing up and repurposing. We make them feel whole again. Recovery is possible.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I am drunk.

    assumption pissed.

    But i could be drunk with rage or anger..ie " drunk" by being not in control of my emotions.

    i get your point, about rape. ...but it loses its meaning when your falsley acused of rape. ..But i get your pain.

  • Xanthippe

    GonzoX any thoughts?

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