Can the elders stop you from entering the kingdom hall if

by label licker 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • label licker
    label licker

    you continue to talk to the witlesses after being disfellowshipped. We were at a funeral recently and disfellowshipped hubby would talk to anyone who who would come up to him and talk. He said he wasn't going to be rude and that the rule of not talking to df ones don't apply to him. That rule only applies to the members so if they want to talk to him he'll talk back.

    Well, the next day we found out at my jc hearing that an elder had called over to one of these goons to let them know hubby was talking to others at the funeral. Yet, the elder didn't say anything to him like stop talking to the brothers and sister. I don't think the elders can stop df'd ones from talking to others. But can they stop a df'd person from entering their halls especially if the goons know they can't stop df'd ones from talking to others? Are the kingdom halls private or public property? It does say on the hall all are welcomed.

    Maybe that's what we should be doing when it comes to funerals ect,, START TALKING TO EVERYONE! Let society know that they have absolutely no power over df'd ones and that shunning will not be tolerated from all of us. You would be surprised how many would talk to us after we told them hubby was df'd. He spoke to about fifteen people, one who was a bethelites wife who gave him a hug after being told by gay elder that hubby was df'd. We even told those that were talking to us that hubby was df'd and some said they didn't care. Those are true and real friends.

    When they go to cross the road to the other side, you do the same. Let them be the ones who are acting retarded and don't know why. A week later a family from another hall told us what the latest gossip was in their hall. Yup! It was about the brothers and sisters talking to us at a gathering. Not we were talking to them but them talking to us. Funny how the tables get turned and now others are being spoken of because they are still in it. One devouring the other. You have to love it!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Your husband is correct: Watchtower rules apply only to those who want to follow them.

    Kingdom Halls however, are PRIVATE PROPERTY, owned by a real-estate holding compny on Brooklyn NY that does business under the name WATCHTOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY.

  • label licker
    label licker

    So, if the elders wanted to then they could kick hubby out if caught not following their rules even though the property is opened to everyone. Huh! Well, we'll see how long before that happens. Thank you.

  • blondie

    In the US, KHs are a non-profit where a trio of elders act as trustees for the congregation holding the property the KH stands on. But the congregation can forbid entry by anyone who causes a ruckus and can call the police to remove that individual (s). Of course it's a KH full of jws word that you were causing a ruckus, against your testimony.

    North Carolina Statute on Disorderly Conduct

    NC General Statute 14-288.4 reads as follows: Disorderly conduct is a public disturbance intentionally caused by any person who: disrupts, disturbs, or interferes with a religious service or assembly or engages in conduct which disturbs the peace or order at any religious service or assembly.

  • label licker
    label licker

    He would never make a scene but if people come up to him and talk first like at the funeral, he can't be rude and ignore them. He's got too much class for that. I guess if he was to talk to them first then they could kick him out.

    I do remember one time a gal who had alot of emotional issues from being df'd by these same elders that df'd hubby and they were laughing one time how they locked her out of the hall and she fell to the ground balling yet these jerks thought it funny to lock the doors on her. Following year she went to our old hall and she was talking out loud with an elder on each side of her during the memorial. She was a victim of a molestation as a child and a raping later on in life. I didn't learn of this until recently after we were out and my heart bled for her. She ended up committing suicide about five years ago. No family noone to love her. I guess it makes it easier for us to never look on going back especially when we saw how the elders were acting talking about her. And this was after she took her life.

    Come to think of it, I know of nine now that have taken their lives, mostly women and all of them who had no close families that would care about them. Why? This discusting religion. When we were in the world, the only ones I knew that took their lives was my mother and she was jw.

  • snare&racket

    As a charity dont they have to be public buildings?

  • clarity

    Label ............

    " When we were in the world, the only ones I knew that took their lives was my mother and she was jw."

    So sorry.


  • laverite

    Regarding the statement: " Let them be the ones who are acting retarded." I find that personally very offensive. Using the word retarded in this way makes me very sad.

  • rebel8

    As a charity dont they have to be public buildings?

    Public property means owned by the public, i.e., the government. Churches are private charities in the US.

  • Scully

    laverite writes:

    Regarding the statement: " Let them be the ones who are acting retarded." I find that personally very offensive. Using the word retarded in this way makes me very sad.

    Yes, it is an affront to developmentally delayed people to compare offensive, ignorant JW behaviour to them.

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