Can the elders stop you from entering the kingdom hall if

by label licker 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • label licker
    label licker

    Lavaverite, the word retarded as an adjective:bad, poor, sucks, generally displeasing ect... look it up!

    I had two siblings(one who is still alive) both physically and mentally disabled.

  • blondie

    The law is interpreted the same as for a church as a KH...see above. Just quietly entering and not engaging in disruptive behavior should not lead the elders to asking a person to leave.

    Grocery stores are public buildings, but if your behavior disturbs the use of it by other customers, the store can ask you to leave and can call the police to make sure you do.

  • adamah

    labellicker said-

    I do remember one time a gal who had alot of emotional issues from being df'd by these same elders that df'd hubby and they were laughing one time how they locked her out of the hall and she fell to the ground balling yet these jerks thought it funny to lock the doors on her.

    That's exactly how it's going to be interpreted: the DFed desparately wants to get back inside the shelter of a KH, but have turned their backs on God, so oh, well: sucks to be you. It's the same idea conveyed in this image, depicting the Worldly who didn't repent and make it aboard Noah's ark, with NOah standing on the other side laughing at them:

    So by protesting and crying (or forcing one's way in, only to have them kick you out) it's only REINFORCING that the tactic is working since it's playing into into their game. You have firsthand how THAT tactic fails.

    Instead, it's imperative to get JWs to recognize the harm and damage THEY are experiencing by serving as the prison guards, the ones who are "only following orders". It's all true, and it's NOT a tactic: it's based on solid clinical studies of human behavior.

    I wrote a blog article on the failure of any method that focuses on the pain experienced by the shunned: that only confirms to JWs what they want to hear: they're inflicting pain, and it's justified in the name of serving God.

    Anyone who hasn't read it yet (or didn't see the video of Milgram's work), I've got the YouTube video of Milgram's study embedded inside the article now.


  • blondie

    Obviously, I wasn't talking about that behvaior by the elders. In that case I would go to another KH if I really felt that God was still with those people. And if you believe in God, he sees those things.

    But too many jws believe this way from the bible, "God as left the land and he is not seeing." That was extremely cruel of those men and I feel sad that if any other jws were present that they stood by and did nothing.

  • label licker
    label licker

    Blondie, I so agree with you on that. The maturity of these men who are the shepherds of this congregation explains alot as to what we have seen and experienced. That very same elder was on the platform making fun of a girl hitchhiking using the word to describe her as looking real "skanky". A majority of the audience laughed yet after the meeting I asked him if he witnessed to her since who needs the truth more? He just stared at me with a blank look like I was from outerspace.

    When I brought my disabled sister to the meeting one time both him and his wife stood five feet away stareing at her but wouldn't say hello. My mom use to see the same thing so she would stay at home with the two kids. I understand the reactions of some but will never tolerate them laughing and making fun of ones who can't help themselves. And that's our fill-in circuit overseer/elder.

  • laverite

    Label Licker,

    I am well aware of the word and its meaning.

    In your post, the way you used it, it's a slur. To try to twist it, and otherwise justify using the word while declaring that you, yourself as having disabled siblings doesn't give you any more credibility.

    Here's a short NY Times article: for anyone who is interested.

    I, too, have a sibling who is "mentally retarded." I can't imagine ever and I do mean ever using the word as a slur in the way that you did. If you do, indeed, have siblings who are mentally retarded, and you use the word as did in your post, I can only hope that you do not call your own siblings by that term.

    After reading your reply, I find your use of the word even sadder. This is the lastl I have to say on this (no further posts on this topic by me after this one): I find it totally offensive and injustifiable that you would use the word retarded as you did.

  • jhine

    Being again ! I thought that if someone was d'fd then they had to be shunned by every JW or the JWs could be in trouble . Wasn't Ray Franz ultimately d'fd for having a meal with someone who had previously been d'fd ? I did not think that it was up to the individual to decide who they would talk to , but that the rules had to be obeyed . Is it not the case that even close family members can only be coantacted on matters of urgent family business when they have been d'fd ?

  • mP


    Where are the black people in that pic ?

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