Hey WhatNow?
I appreciated your sarcasm, myself, being a firm believer in sarcasm, thougt it witty and on point.
The established social order in the organization is the only reason some stay in. I would venture to say most.
To leave the organization is, for some, to leave the only social order they know. That is a devastating option for some, so they choose to remain. For the brave, however, there is a whole world of people out there that are innately sociable! Can you believe that!
Aristotle stated that "man is, by nature, a social animal." I, for one, believe this to be true. There are plenty of people out there that agree with this concept. You simply have to reach out and socialize. No, you don't have to go to bars. You can get behind a cause, something that you firmly believe in; something upbuilding in its truest sence. Not in the "upbuilding" sense of the organization, which simply means, "be positive and encourage more effort." ("Don't worry...WORK." N.H. Knorr) When your heart is behind something that other hearts are behind, your connection with other people will be lasting and genuine.
I know it's hard. Some, like me, are content to have had a limited social circle within the organization. So, leaving it, or abandoning it rather, was not so hard. Others struggle a little, mainly because they were told that they should extricate themselves from society. Well, now that you have extricated yourself from the Society, it's time to wedge yourself back into that crowded subway train and head on down the line.