The rest of us should remember that we are guests here and should mind our manners accordingly.
Remember, this is a "Discussion Forum for Jehovah's Witnesses"
by stillin 14 Replies latest forum announcements
Always good to be reminded about posting guidelines. Ive been away a bit in the past week or so - travelling in the States - so may not have noticed if guidelines are being ignored.
new hope and happiness
Very funny lol.
actually i have wounderd about the name myself, but never thought to question it. The site owner ( his name is Simon) has always seemed worthy of respect.
Why would i call a site a " Discussipn board for Jehovers Witnesees? " i guess if i started a site when the internet was new and i was trying to awaken J.Ws to the truth, i night have chosen such a name.
Whatever the reason, does ot bother you? and if so why?
Feel free to explain what you mean stiilin.
That's BROTHER Stillin, iceltic. The search results describe this site that way.
Haha, yeah I suppose technically it does say that.
new hope and happiness
and sisters lol
so--if its still a discussion forum for jw's-----do you seriously think the watchtower society would encourage its members to use it?
new hope and happiness
of course not Big Mac....but i think the name serves a purpose, seeks out and finds those the W.T doesnt want to find this place.
Simon was still a JW when he started this site.