Remember, this is a "Discussion Forum for Jehovah's Witnesses"

by stillin 14 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Phizzy

    When I first really woke up, and soon found this site, I went right back to the beginning and the first posts etc, then I began to read all posts by those who I particularly thought had some insight to offer. Leolaia, Alan F, and many names that don't come so readily to mind, all contributed brilliant posts, and shaped my thinking, enabling me to use Critical Thinking skills, with a mind open to Truth.

    It was quite fascinanting to see the Evolution (LOL) of this site, and to read all the arguments/discussions/debates, many of which contain all the answers a Newbie could wish for, hence I have not had to ask too much in the way of guidance for my thoughts.

    If you have the time, and the interest, it is well worth going through that exercise, it is the "equivalent of a University education", to steal a phrase from somewhere.

    I do think the O.P makes a very valid point, we who are used to the rough and tumble of this place, and the fun names we have for the JW's and the WT should perhaps remember that we have many visitors to the site, and they may be more sensitive and more in the grip of the WT than I was, so we do not want to put them off, so that their first fearful, mind-controlled thought is, "Ooooh, this is, shock horror, I may have just let a little bit of wee out, an Apostate site !".

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    ...Always good to be reminded about posting guidelines. Ive been away a bit in the past week or so - travelling in the States.

    Steve2, side question: So, how do you like 'muhrica?

  • steve2

    I like Muricha a lot but the accents are something else man! I dare not say to any one in the hospitality industry, "Say, what?" for the resulting grimaces, rolled eyes and inpatient sighs are to die for. Not. Perhaps I should up my own assertiveness and declare without flinching, "Huh?!Call those words English?! Get me an interpreter!" Seriously, though, the Americans in general are helpful and hospitable within acceptable limits.If Californians flop around in the shallows, New Yorkers waste no time in the deepest end of the pool.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Steve2, as someone for whom English is a second language (and having lived in the You, As, Ay for nearly 20 years), I find a chucke-worthy amusement in your spot-on assessment. But, what do I know. I am an European kid, molded by the culture of my new home to the point that I am just another a'muhrikan.

    I hope you are enjoying your time in the States.

  • Honesty

    I found out the truth about the U.N. on this site.

    I printed out the emails between the Guardian and the Watchtower, the letter from the U.N. and the

    Guardian newspaper articles and showed them to 2 elders after they denied the allegations that the WTBTS had

    affiliated with the U.N. in any way.

    They called the P.O. and he said that there had been a letter from the WTBTs regarding it but couldn't remember

    where he had placed it in his files (uh huh).

    This is definitely a discussion forum for JW's who are interested in TTATT.

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