Yet another update on my story:
For various reasons, I still have to go to all meetings. (I am looking to change my personal circumstances to allow me to live somewhere else so I can fade easier)... I actually don't mind going to the mid-week meeting since I can comment on the Bible reading, and slowly but surely I can introduce little seeds of cognitive dissonance... making it seem like I am super interested in what the Interlinear says or that people can actually go and check out the manuscripts for themselves online! It takes me a while to think of ways of saying what I want to say without saying it!! "Here is an APPARENT contradiction"... "EVIL APOSTATES WOULD SAY that..."
The rest of the time, though, I need a strong drink after the meetings... to numb my mind a little... the utter nonsense that is said in the meetings makes my blood boil!! I am apalled at the stupidity of humanity!!Knowing TTATT and going to all meetings is just... torture!!
I will start making a plan to fade out, and stick to it!! 1 meeting lost the first month, 2 the second, and so on...