I have Bona for years but I am looking to try something else. Any recommendations?
Do you have wood floors? What cleaner do you use?
by Iamallcool 20 Replies latest jw friends
Aunt Fancy
Do your floors have a seal on them? I have heard that white vinegar is great to use on them and it is inexpensive to use.
yes it is sealed.
I really do not like the smell of vinegar.
Aunt Fancy
Not a good choice then. Lol!
Murphy's Oil Soap
The "experts" say a cup of vinegar in a gallon of water is best, and yes it works great and doesn't have a vinegar smell. I've also used Holloway House Quck Shine. It is escellent IMHO. Cleans great, leaves a great shine with no residue or buildup. Geesh. I sound like a commercial.
I like Pledge total floor care, it's a concentrated version available at Home Depot. You use just a quarter cup to a gallon, so it's a lot more economical. I use a swifter type mop that has a reusable microfiber cover, I just toss it into the washer when done. In between mops I use the same cover dry, it really gets the dust. I have two covers plus some other microfiber towels I can use if needed.
I can't wait to get out of this house and move into one with carpeting.
Mist the floor with Windex and then swifter. Do sections. the Windex will flash off quickly. No streaks !