WT November 15, 2013 on jw.org

by Gayle 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gayle

    How Can We Maintain

    “a Waiting Attitude”? article,,just to wait and wait and wait

    in the meantime their typical article to put cash in box at hall, and give everything to the organization. Always around November this type of article, end of year, before Christmas, and no doubt for any needing taxation credits for the IRS.

  • Ding

    That can't be.

    Unlike the evil churches of Christendom, Jehovah's organization isn't interested in worldly things like money...

  • whathappened

    All of the old folks that were faithful when I was a little girl are dead now. I have seen generations of JW's die waiting. It works for them, what can I say.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    w87 12/1 p. 30 "Unlike the churches of Christendom, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not take up collections or send out envelopes to solicit donations."

    No, WT just sets up ATM machines in assembly halls and constantly hammers JWs for their cash, jewelry, stocks, real estate, savings and family inheritances.

    But, since WT sends out no envelopes, they are better than the other religions.


    Show a waiting attitude... ok. I got very angry when I read that articles. I seriously became ill and frustrated. Here is a gem:

    17 Are you among those who are not now actively serving God? Perhaps someone in the congregation hurt you and as a result you stopped associating with Jehovah's organization. Since some time may have passed, ask yourself: 'Is my life now more meaningful, and am I happier? Was it Jehovah who offended me, or was it an imperfect human? Has Jehovah God ever done anything to harm me?' Really, he has always done good toward us. Even if we are not living up to our dedication to him, he allows us to enjoy the good things he provides. (Jas. 1:16, 17) Soon, Jehovah's day will come. Now is the time to return to our heavenly Father's loving arms and to the congregation-the only safe haven in these last days.-Deut. 33:27; Heb. 10:24, 25.


    Will they EVER stop asking for money?! SOME of the money goes to take care of physical needs?? How much? We don't say " keep warm and well fed." Who do they help besides each other, and the occasional " wordly " person who happens to live next to a disaster area? They do the least to help anyone out of all religions. I see individual JW's who help others, but it is usually those who they believe will become a dub, like a study. Anyone else, forget it.

  • WTWizard

    I know what they are really waiting for--to be enslaved. They become completely dependent on joke-hova by throwing away everything that could have helped them. That's 65 toilet papers for a Fenix LD22 flashlight that could have saved them a fall down the stairs when they were out in field circus, on a stairwell only lit by a single squiggly thing, and the squiggly thing blows. But they waste that 65 toilet papers on the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. Or, they could have spent 25 toilet papers and bought an ounce of physical silver, to watch it go up to its fair value.

    And for what? You give to joke-hova, and keep doing so despite that thing giving you trouble for your money, and I guarantee you WILL become poor. And not just because you donated, either. Joke-hova is capable of making you astrally poor by making you pay money for negative value, and in time you will suffer loss. Whether it be burglaries and fires, accidents, things breaking before their time, a legal hassle, job loss or cuts in your hours, or loss in investments, you will eventually lose money. Invariably, they take you to the LIE-ble and use that to illustrate the lack of value in material things, and too many idiots respond by giving their remaining assets into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund and buying even worse luck. It's a wonder they don't end up wandering the streets in their underwear because the universe responds to this spending on negative value by taking away while joke-hova laughs at them.

  • cedars

    I've written an article on this magazine for anyone interested....




    w87 12/1 p. 30 "Unlike the churches of Christendom, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not take up collections or send out envelopes to solicit donations."

    When was the last time a WBT$ JW Assembly had enough money to pay the bills?!!..

    They always claim to be short on cash..And..

    Blatantly ask for Money from the Assembly Stage..

    Do any of you JW Suckers have More Cash?!..

    We need to Feed the WBT$ Money Pig!.. Snort..Burp!..Snort..Snort!!..


    .......................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • sir82

    Cedars' conjecture sounds plausible. This magaine will be covered in January 2014, near the completion of the first century of the "last days".

    Even the most complacent JW would have to give pause upon realizing that the "last days" are now stretching into a 2nd century.

    100 years of "last days"? and counting? That's the kind of thing that's sits in the back of JW's mind and eats away at him....until he joins us here.

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