WT November 15, 2013 on jw.org

by Gayle 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Listener

    " God’s promised new world is near, and our salvationis nearer than we may think"

    Wonderful stuff. Even though they keep telling the sheep that Armageddon is near, that's not good enough to think this because it's even sooner than that.

  • skeeter1

    " In psychological terms, the Watchtower is "innoculating" readers against questioning its authority. The chief " compound" in its anti-venom is Fear - guaranteed to increase the likelihood of even the more intelligent members giving voice to any doubt - they will probably wake up to this quackery, but sadly for many it will be after most of their lives have already been wasted living in fear of doubt. "

    Ditto to what Steve wrote.

  • Listener

    "To survive the tenth plague, the Israelites had to obey the instructions to have a special meal and to splash some of the blood of a slaughtered sheep on the doorposts and lintels of their houses. That direction did not come to them by means of a voice out of heaven. No, they had to listen to the older men of Israel, who in turn received specific instructions from Moses. (Ex. 12:1-7, 21-23, 29) In those circumstances,Moses and the older men acted as bearers of Jehovah’s instructions to his people. Christian elders fulfill a comparably vital function today."

    No wonder they appointed themselves as the only Faithful & Discreet Slave that has ever been appointed, they have all authority and don't need voices from heaven in order to give instructions that must be obeyed.

    "In order to remain united and safe within the flock of God, we need to listen to ‘a word behind us,’ telling us which way to go. This “word” includes what God’s holy spirit says as expressed through the Bible AND what Jehovah and Jesus say through those whom they have appointed as undershepherds.—"

    Wow, the bible now is only part of what JWs need to listen to and it is the leaders who are now able to declare what God and Jesus say through them. Once upon a time the r & f could find what God's word was telling them through the pages of the bible but that's not enough these days.

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    "Waiting attitude" = Wasting enough of your time that if you ever do realize it's all a big scam you'll be too old to do anything about it.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Defineitely check out the picture on pg 14!

    One of the cult-iest things I've seen yet!


    It is now time for us to close ranks against Satan and the demons
    Any excess is quickly sent off to Brooklyn to ensure that the Circuit account is back to a zero balance. Or,
    and artificial "deficit" is created on the first day of an assembly where the Elders vote to send $5000 to the
    "worldwide work" before any assembly expenses are met, then a call to the rank-and-file to donate generously to cover the deficit.....ADCMS

    Hey ADCMS..

    After creating an Artificial Deficit..

    Then Publicly Begging for More Money from the WBT$ Assembly stage..

    Magicly on the Last day of "Every" WBT$ Assembly..

    There was a Surplus of Money!..

    What was always the answer,of what to do with the Excess Money?!..

    That`s Obvious!..

    Feed the WBT$ Money Pig!!.. Snort!..*Burp!*..*Fart*..Oink!!..


    ....................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • adamah

    I'm reading it as their periodic need to run a practice fire-drill, as if they've got some top-secret information from Jehovah which they can't tell anyone (opsec, you know) for something that's just about to happen REAL SOON, any minute now. They've learned the dangers of setting any specific dates (and the most obvious is as stated, trying to tighten the ranks ahead of the anticipated disappointment of no Armageddon as we're entering the 100 yr anniversary of 1914, esp for those who remember the "last generation" doctrine). It's the typical alarmist "Chicken Little" stuff, except even less specific; a way to raise anxiety in the troops which will quickly be forgotten by the same troops when 2014 comes and goes, a raising of emotions (non-specific fear and anxiety) in order to block thinking.

    I was struck by the picture on page 25 showing an elder using an iPad-like device to counsel a single-family (there's even a close-up of the device)! Are they allowing elders to use those now, or was the prohibition against use on the podium? Seems pretty hypocritical to discourage use on the podium, but then to prominently show one in the WT, as if it's sending an unstated policy change about the dangers of encouraging materialism via use of such devices.


  • NeonMadman

    I thought this part of the magazine was pretty scary (page 20, par. 17):

    Elders who are reading this article can draw some useful conclusions from the account we have just considered: (1) The most practical step that we can take to prepare for the coming attack of “the Assyrian” is that of strengthening our faith in God and helping our brothers to do the same. (2) When “the Assyrian” attacks, the elders must be absolutely convinced that Jehovah will deliver us. (3) At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. (4) Now is the time for any who may be putting their trust in secular education, material things, or human institutions to adjust their thinking. The elders must stand ready to help any who may now be wavering in their faith.

    Kool-aid, anyone?

  • Ding
    At that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.

    Control, control, control...

    Now is the time for any who may be putting their trust in secular education, material things, or human institutions to adjust their thinking.

    The WTS is NOT a human institution?

    What happened to the GB being humble, fallible men?

  • Jeffro

    w87 12/1 p. 30 "Unlike the churches of Christendom, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not take up collections or send out envelopes to solicit donations."

    I don't have any first hand experience with the churches of 'Christendom', so let me know if I'm wrong.

    Catholic friends of mine tell me that there are collections for the Church and the local parish, and it's not mandatory to make a contribution. I don't really agree with giving money to a church that already has quite a lot of money already, but giving to the local parish, to support upkeep of the buildings as well as other events (many of which are charitable) seems fine to me. And their method of collecting seems to me to involve a better sense of 'community' than the JW way, which (like most JW things) seems to be much more corporatised.

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