I heard an announcement some time ago, " [ Insert name's ] reinstatement has been rescinded and is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses." Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? Elders, have you ever done this? How does this happen? Where was the Holy Spirit? Why was such a person allowed to be reinstated? How could they fake out the Holy Spirit and the "spirit-directed" Elders? How does one get judged as repentent in a meeting under the direction of the Holy Spirit when it's not the case? Was Jehovah in the bathroom?
Reinstatement Rescinded?!?!?
by DATA-DOG 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Captain Obvious
Makes you wonder, doesn't it? If their decision was led by HS, why was it clearly the wrong one?
The apologist 'Dub will claim that their decision was reversed because they didn't follow the direction of the HS, and jehoober corrected it. He always does!
I've never heard that announcement personally, but I did have a buddy who was reinstated and DF'ed again within a month or so.
I've personally never heard or known of a reinstatement rescinded...that's crazy. It may be something new. I have heard of a dead person being DFed before...that's bona fide I was there when it was announced.
Is it possible that someone got reinstated only to repeat the "sin(??)" after reinstatement? That should be handled as a separate disfellowshipping.
Example: Someone smokes and gets disfellowshipped for smoking. They get reinstated from that, only to be found smoking again shortly after. They now get disfellowshipped again. Or, perhaps they get caught smoking the first time, get reinstated from smoking, and then get caught doing fornication a day or so after. Usually, when this happens, the second disfellowshipping is much longer than the first.
However, to have the reinstatement retracted on the original event would be unusual. However, I am not surprised that the jokehovian witlesses do that--announce the reinstatement, only to decide to retract it after all on the original event.
RayPublisher: I have heard of a dead person being DFed before...that's bona fide I was there when it was announced.
I was about to say, "You MUST be joking!" but then I remembered the mentality of the average elders and the whacked-out mindset they are indoctrinated with from the GB/FDS loons.
These guys are sofa king stew-pit!
Best guess:
After the announcement was made, someone came forward and ratted out the dude for continuing to "live in sin" or continuing to smoke or continuing to [fill in the blank], whatever the dude was originally DF'ed for.
The elders made an urgent call to Bethel, where the service desk / Gestapo agent told the elders to "rescind" the reinstatement.