Did being a JW affect you socially?

by Mahtaw 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman



    Are you two saying you are Introverts that have been around a lot of back stabbing, critical to the max, hypocritical JW's?

    I ask because in a healthy situation I am an Extrovert with confidence. I love people especially meeting new people.

    But for many years, I was surrounded by people who did not have my best interests at heart. I cannot blossom and shine under those conditions. Because being around some people is like walking on eggshells, and you know whatever you say, do, wear, etc is never good enough, I started crititicing myself before they even opened their mouths.

    I am mentally crippled because of this. I have to tell myself I am good enough just the way I am. I try to tell myself that everyone is beautiful, unique and wonderful in their own way. I can say that to others and mean it, but it is very difficult after a life time of put downs to believe it about myself.

    Someone posted last week that their friends are only people that respect them, otherwise, they do not want those other people as friends. That was an eye opener for me.

    I would love to sing Karaoke for the fun of it. With friends, not crititicing back stabbers.

    Being JW's mean we were all surrounded with people not of our choice.

    Now we have a choice.

    Just Lois

  • Mahtaw

    I thought you had to be hypocrital, overly critical, and a backstabber to meet the JW criteria. But yes. I also tried really hard to be a good little JW, yet got held back while other peers my age got to get baptized and have priveleges. Of course, Im thankful I wasn't baptized. Call it divine intervention.

  • LisaRose

    Lois: I am mentally crippled because of this. I have to tell myself I am good enough just the way I am. I try to tell myself that everyone is beautiful, unique and wonderful in their own way. I can say that to others and mean it, but it is very difficult after a life time of put downs to believe it about myself.

    That's sad. Please believe you are good enough. You were in a destructive cult, but you figured out how to get out of it. Give yourself a pat on the back for that, many in your situation never do. I always appreciate and enjoy your posts, you are doing work here. Think about your children, or other people in your life, would you want them to think they aren't good enough or special enough? If nothing else, set a good example for them. I struggle with this one myself, but I finally realized I am important, my needs are important, I still have gifts to bring to the world. It was a small change that made a huge difference in my life.

  • RubaDub

    When I walk in someone's home I have this urge to knock on all the doors in the house.

    Rub a Dub

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