A few weeks ago I posted a topic about a deaf woman studying with the JW's. The deaf preacher from the woman's parents church contacted me to know more about the JW's because the parents were allowing their daughter to study with the JW's because "they are such nice people." Anyway the deaf preacher contacted me because he knows I just left the JW's last year and he wanted information.
I was more than happy to provide it. I provided proof of how they tell members to shun family, I provided info about the child abuse, and I also sent links to the websites.....
A few days ago I asked the preacher how it went and he said the parents put a stop to the study and will not allow their daughter to study with them anymore and the parents said "We had no idea the JW's were really like this." He showed them my signing video and the information I had sent him.
I laughed and told the preacher "of course they didn't know, this is stuff you don't find out about until you become a JW and are "in""
I'm just happy this young lady isn't studying anymore.