A sad day for a JW- they lost a study 'cause of me.
by Gojira_101 20 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you Jgnat !
And well done Gojira ! I never single handedly got anyone in to the cult. thank goodness, but it is my aim whenever possible to help people not be enmeshed.
A while ago my wife met and was talking to a young JW we had known since she was little, her husband was waiting in the car for her, so I ambled over and spoke to him. Turns out he was a non-JW that the COBE was trying to get to join, he asked me for some Ammo that he could fire at this Elder when he next called, I said go to JWFacts.com and arm yourself with whatever you like from there. I told him about this site too.
I hope he did his research, and I hope he is still free, and maybe he will free his wife, a sweet girl, she obviously doesn't "toe the Party line" 100% already, as she married a non-JW, so there is hope.
Great job!!
And please follow the advice of Londo... don't let them get this person by the old "if your parents oppose it's persecution" BS!!
Good job!
I agree with Londo, though.
Make sure to counter the "opposition to your study = satanic persecution = proof that the WT is the truth" tactic.
Go Go Shyla!
Nice job! You go girl!
Yeah had a situation where a coworker was studying with Jehovahs Witnesses. I told her if she HAS ANYTHING to ask, let me know. Eventually she saw it for what it was. I think that people (especially women) love being a part of groups, especially when it has to do with God and religion. But with Jehovahs Witness even though there are more women, males are seen as more important.
Gojira - Be sure to add that time to your time slip this week! - lol
“Gojira_101”: “. . . the parents said "We had no idea the JW's were really like this."”
Excellent! Glad to hear that you gave them a chance to see the Watchtower religion for what it is, which probably saved them from a lot of unnecessary grief.
It would be nice if all potential JW Bible students could somehow be given the opportunity to investigate the main facts about the Watchtower religion before they “sign up” for it.
In the supermarkets here in Canada, all the food products must display a simple little black and white standard health summary listing the main nutritional content, such as the amount and percentage of saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sugar, etc. This is in addition to the usual ingredients list. (I’m not sure how many other countries this is required in.) Now, wouldn’t it be great if all cult recruiters (JWs, Mormons, etc.) were required by law to hand out something sort of similar; i.e., a little sheet with a brief outline of the specific “content” of their particular little religion, such as a list of all the rules (I mean all of them), percentage of bullshit content, and warnings (possible death from blood loss, possible molestation of children, possible depression and suicide from shunning, high degree of thought control, large percentage of time wasted) – in other words, mandatory full disclosure from the very start.
People should have the opportunity to know exactly what they’re getting into – whether they’re joining a cult, buying a used car, or picking up a box of crackers at the supermarket. After all, in today’s enlightened yet regulated society, full disclosure is only fair.
Good job!