I remember mentioning to our CO, John Mason, back in late 1995, the change in the 'understanding/definition' of THIS GENERATION. My comment was that this nu lite was quite a change in the doctrinal teaching of the org.
His quick and terse reply to me was that we don't question "the mother organization". I replied to him that I wasn't questioning (which it turns out was a lie) just commenting on this change. i also mentioned the change in the Awake! magazine masthead, which by the way went completely unnoticed by 99% of all JW's.
His 'encouraging' comment to me was the classic, trademark: "Wait on Jehovah!" If that is so important, i.e. "Wait On Jehovah", Have you ever wondered why the (so called) 'faithful slave', aka GB, doesn't find it necessary to 'Wait On Jehovah' for the proper, 100%, no need to change, correct 'spirit directed' understanding of doctrine/dogma? Instead, sadly they publish, and then 'throughly convince' from the Scriptures, teachings that need to be completely changed in a few decades? If only they would----Wait On Jehovah!
How does glorify Jehovah God if we publicly preach and teach things of which we were "thououghly convinced from the Scriptures" only to have revealed that what we publicly preached and taught was no TRUTH?