On another side note, I have been watching our meeting attendance, on a congregation level. According to the figures they take and post on the information board, we are typically at 55-70%. Listening to the group sing songs before, during, and after meeting...... the enthusiasm is not there. Its just gone.
Standing at the literature counter yesterday, several came up and were looking for bibles to place... any bible, any size, any color ???? Nothing. The brothers had called all the congregations in the state, and NONE of them had any bibles to place. WTF??? How is that possible?? The worst part is, the brothers have no anwer to give to the folks looking to get some???!! I thought we were here to promote the HOLY SCRIPTURES ??? Plenty of Bible Teach books, and coloring book WT and AWAKE leaflets on hand, but no Bibles to go with them?? And nice pretty rolly carts on full display at the literature counter.... no bibles in it though......In all my years, I have NEVER seen the entire COUNTRY run out of bibles.
No bibles, anywhere?? Really? REALLY??!