Last night the one cool elder calls me

by confusedandalone 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • confusedandalone

    " then I'd talk to this guy and see if he can be reached with TTATT. I think he may already be half way there"

    If / when I do decide to turn in my letter I am going to ask 2 brothers to personally stop by on the same day but a few hours apart and discuss the info within... I really just can't see these two individuals not being smart enough to poick up on the garbage that is being sold.

    I have a friend who this morning is at the D.C. I sent him a text at 10:13 saying "I am going to a party later.. what are you doing". He says, "Unfortunately I am at the Convention LOL LOL"

    Now anyone who loved this org and believed in it would not write something like this... but we have had the discussion that he has too much to lose just jumping ship. I know plenty of people who know things are screwy but they stay JUST BECAUSE. I hope to get some people to just understand what they are doing.


    " Nowadays everyone in the org is on some kind of magic pill and are very unpredictable" <----------- This literrally made me LOL

  • notjustyet

    " be left alone" as then at a later date you could always be Da of Dfd. Why give up the ability to talk to your family if yo do not have to.

    Options, options, options,..

    Keep em open,..


  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Hi, CandA, seems like you're saying, i want to be totally understood!

    I can relate. The formal cutting off, a gesture fully expressing my true self.

    Recently i read somewhere, faders saying "the org does not deserve ANY statement from me, formal, written, verbal or otherwise."

    That made sense to me. I've been waiting for one event to take place, and it should be soon (something that involves a family member), before sending my letter telling them I resign. But now i'm thinking i won't ever send it. I'm going to live as though I never heard of the WT, so no further communication with them is needed.

  • confusedandalone

    Iown Mylife - see where you are coming from as well.

    The problem here for me though is that I am tired of people calling my house phone asking me questions from all over the place. I am tired of telling people that I am done. People see me coming out of Smoke Shops and looking at me weird asking what I am doing or jsut staring... its annoying.

    Parents harrassing me / elders calling me. If I am DA or DF'ed it all ends... by no means do I even want anyone to think that Watchtower and me are linked and until I am gone that link is still there. I may not owe them anything but why would I want to be a part of this group.

    Its like being a member of the KKK. Then you realize wow they have some serious issues. I just wont go to anymore of their functions... however you are still on there membership list... you are still techncally a part of the KKK. If upon understanding they are a hate group and I no longer want to be one I would send them a letter so that everyone knows that I am against their ideas and look, here I have proven it by means of this letter.

    That is how I currently feel. YEEEEEEEEEEET, it is still a step that I want to really think about before I make it

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    omg - i have NOT had to deal with what you describe. My phone had quit ringing long before I left. NO i would feel the same as you say, being called to explain myself repeatedly would be infuriating.

  • Mum

    I was going to recommend that you choose to be left alone, but you make a good point about the WT being a Hate Group. Sooner or later, they're going to be called out for some of the things they do - protecdting pedophiles, spewing hate speech about "apostates," multiple false predictions, etc. It is totally understandable that you would not want your name associated with them in any way.

    When I got out, I moved far, far away, where I didn't know any JW's and was never bothered. Do what you need to do to reduce the hassle.

    Best wishes for a happy future in freedom!

  • tiki

    the more i read and observe about the goings-on, the more it seems to me that the org is structurally disintegrating. it seems that congs and elders all have their own agendas....some loose, some tight, liberality vs. conservative by the "books".....i remember when i was a kid and my father was an elder how they'd pat themselves on the back that they were "running a tight ship" and that our cong supposedly stood out in the circuit as being up to snuff. how true that all was i have no idea....but nowadays from what i see here that those who are having dealings with current elders/bodies are apt to see anything from sheer negligence to tortourous stalking. very weird indeed - but apparently what you go through depends on the local group and their feelings/attitudes.


    Your best move is Fade..There are no WBT$ Penalties..


    For the JW`s who want to Take You Down..It will Mess with their Head..


    How did he do that?!!..

    .......................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • tornapart

    I have friends that I continue to be amazed over by what they say and do. Friends I thought loved being 'in'. It seems that they are all getting tired of it all.

  • Incognito
    confusedandalone said: WTF is this about??


    I think that this elder and possibly the other elders maybe a little afraid of you. You have demonstrated that they have no control over you.

    The only power they hold is that which any of us allow them so in your actions when they came to your home, removed any authority they had. They did not fulfill their original purpose of their visit. They had to leave your home with their tail between their legs and probably pouting.

    As you took an aggressive stance and have demonstrated you have nothing to lose, they could be afraid that you may take legal action against them personally if they pursue a course of action against you which is not to your liking - therefore the question: what do you want to occur? Alternatively, do you know anything about them or a congregation situation over the years that they are afraid you might reveal?

    As far as the fishing trip, he could be taking the stance of keeping his enemy close, this way, he will get to learn what your intentions are. Then again, he could be trying to look favourable to you so any action you may take will not include him as your buddy.

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